PCOS Syndrome Ladies Please Help ~ Not Ready to Give up!!!



  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Again! thank you all for the support and information...I'm feeling much better, the more that I am learning!! You ladies are amazing!!!
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in September of 2010, and it was because we were having difficulty concieving (okay it was really only a few months, but I was freaked out and thought something was wrong, and boy was I right)! At that point they put me on metformin 3 times a day and I've tried to follow a low glycemic index diet mostly. So far I've lost about 27lbs (not that it all dropped off at once, but about 5 lbs a month) and last month I did get pregnant (however I had a miscarriage, you have a higher risk with PCOS but apparently the "normal" population also has a 15-30% risk which is fairly high anways. Hopefully it will happen again. I have known people with PCOS though that don't have cysts or anything. You might want to check out Cysters Unite on FB they have lots of good information and as people said fertilityfriend is also a good website if you want to track your temperatures, it helped me. Also get some cheap ovulation predictor kits off of ebay (they don't work for all people with PCOS but they did for me) and you could try those. Feel free to add me as well, I had the same frustrations before the put me on the metformin, I was exercising and eating well and I was still not losing, it was SUPER frustrating, but stick with it and explore your options to see what you can do.
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member
    I have PCOS and have been successful at losing weight by following a clean diet and exercising. I have just started my firt round of IVF to try and get pregnant as my husband and I have fertility issues on both sides, keeping my fingers crossed that this will work for us. the PCOS symptom that effects me the most at the moment is acne, I can't seem to shake it whatever I try. I hate PCOS :( !!
  • shannasaurus_rex
    shannasaurus_rex Posts: 27 Member
    Great post, Rill! I like your approach. I have been doing many of the same things to manage my PCOS - though the progesterone cream is something I have yet to look into. I am a whole-hearted believer in the Apple Cider Vinegar; that stuff is amazing! Keep it up, and good luck! :)
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    I have PCOS and have been successful at losing weight by following a clean diet and exercising. I have just started my firt round of IVF to try and get pregnant as my husband and I have fertility issues on both sides, keeping my fingers crossed that this will work for us. the PCOS symptom that effects me the most at the moment is acne, I can't seem to shake it whatever I try. I hate PCOS :( !!

    I recommend you try the no/little dairy thing. I had terrible acne until 2 years ago when I switched from drinking milk to drinking almond milk. It took about a month but now I rarely have a blemish. I still use sour cream, yogurt, a little heavy cream now and then and definitely use cheese. But cut out drinking milk and see how it goes for you. Doesn't work for everyone but hey, worth a shot I think!

    Also @ shannan1980
    Thank you! ACV rocks!
    If you look into progesterone creams make sure you get the high dosage kind. A lot of 'medical creams' are mostly cream with only 1-2% of the medicine you actually need. You want something that will give you 15-24mg/day (half in the morning, half at night). They're a little expensive...another reason why I don't use it unless I have to in order to start my cycle. But you might ask your doctor if there's a prescription you can get that's covered by insurance.
  • sassytwo
    sassytwo Posts: 19
    Just jumping in to give you a bit of encouragement. First off, you are awesome for taking such a proactive approach in dealing with PCOS! Hang in there! Sounds like there are some awesome ladies on these boards who are dealing with it as well. I have polycystic ovaries and know what it it like to deal with the diagnosis, crazy hormones, etc. I now have two beautiful kiddos. Yeah, it was a long frustrating road to get them. Just focus on your end goals! Good luck!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I was diagnosed 9 years ago. my treatment is exercise, low carb diet, and metformin. After just one month on metformin my periods were normal. I never tried to have kids so I don't know about fertility. I treat my PCOS for the sake of my future health.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Can't wait to follow this thread. Waiting on bloodwork results with a high probability of hypothyroidism, but the dr also mentioned PCOS and said if bloodwork tends that direction then we'll do an ultrasound. I've seen a bunch of ladies here losing a good amount of weight, but it just takes time... stressing on it doesn't seem to help either. Keep your chin up dear!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I too have pcos... but I am slightly different some women have no fertility and i have too much... 2 periods a month. weightless is possible and pregnancy is possible but with lots of hard work. It took my sister in law 2 years to conceive...

    good luck my friend!
  • Late/No Periods
    No birth control pills. At first I was on them to regulate my period but I'm off them now and have fairly regular cycles by my own efforts. Hormones cannot balance out correctly when I'm forcing high levels of estrogen into my system. I drink a combo herbal tea a week before my period should begin to encourage the right hormones for that part of my cycle. If I'm a couple weeks late on my period I'll use progesterone cream for 10 days then stop.

    I wasn't diagnosed with PCOS, but was told 2 years ago after they did an intravaginal ultrasound (just as unpleasant as it sounds), that I did show some scarring which suggests a history of come cysts. They looked into it becasue I had two periods last year that wouldn't end without medication, and I wanted to know why. Their solution was to put me on birth control, which I was on for a year and half until deciding that this last pack was the end for me. I couldn't lose weight even with strict calorie counting and tons of exercise, and was majorly depressed.

    My question for you is, what tea are you drinking that is regulating your periods? And where do you get it? I have been researching methods of getting your body back on track after stopping synthetic hormones, and there's a lot of info to sort through. I had highly irregular periods before the pill, and since I hope to conceive in about a year and a half from now, I'd like to get things under control. Thanks!
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Metformin did NOT work for me at all. I had a horrible reaction and got off after only 2 days. I thought it was going to be so helpful but I guess it just isn't for me.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have lots of friends here who are dealing with PCOS and many other health issues like myself. I have lost all my weight from being on MFP since the end of October. It is HARD to eat low carb but it can be done. Watch your sodium as well and stay away from processed snacks/foods as much as possible.

    Like others have said, you pretty much have to eat as if you were diabetic. I am also pre-diabetic so I have noticed a huge difference when I eat the way my body needs me to eat. "No carb" is not the way to go -- just try for more healthier carbs like veggies over more processed carbs (which, if you see is EVERYTHING in the grocery stores aside from the produce/meat areas).

    If you are going to have some bread make it a sandwich thin with less carbs or a nice piece of real whole grain bread. As my aunt says (who also has PCOS), stay away from "the white devil" -- meaning flour, sugar, rice, anything white.
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member

    My question for you is, what tea are you drinking that is regulating your periods? And where do you get it? I have been researching methods of getting your body back on track after stopping synthetic hormones, and there's a lot of info to sort through. I had highly irregular periods before the pill, and since I hope to conceive in about a year and a half from now, I'd like to get things under control. Thanks!

    I hear ya. My doc put me on the pill because I had ovarian cysts. But since they weren't helping prevent them I decided it wasn't worth it anymore to take the pill. The herb concoction I use is this:

    2 quarts water
    1/2 Tbl Mugwort
    1/2 Tbl Yarrow
    1 Tbl Ginger Root
    2 Tbl Pennyroyal
    2 Tbl Peppermint

    Bring water to a boil, add herbs, reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink at least 1 cup per day 1 week before you want your period to start.

    I keep it in a mason jar in the fridge and heat it up with a tsp of honey. I'm thinking now that the weather is warming up iced with lemon would be pleasant too. It's not guaranteed!! It just helps encourage the right hormone production. But I keep the progesterone cream for when I need more help.

    I buy bulk organic herbs here:
  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member
    Towards the end of december I noticed my period was acting up, I had never in my life had problems with them.
    Random spotting and such were just a bit scary. After two weeks I decided to go to the Dr.
    Through the ultrasound she said I have on 2cm cyst on my left ovary and just a bunch of tiny ones on my right :(
    Prescribed Birth Control Pills for 90 days ...

    My periods seem to be getting better however ..I did pass something during one , It was small and round..looked like a sack..
    maybe it was a miscarriage not sure :(
    I'm due in to see the doctor tommorow , I'm also expecting my period tommorrow.
    Will see what she has to say..I hope that 2cm Cyst is gone !
  • almasf
    almasf Posts: 3
    please tell me what u did dear. I am also on metformin 2000mg, but still i think its reversed the benefits. i have not gotten my period on this first cycle of metformin. i started metformin on 8th july (2kmg) before that i was on 1500 for a week. then researched and found out that below 1500 nothing works for pcos so i upped my dosage to 2000 mg but so far today is day 15 for taking the 2k dose but no weight loss. my period was due on 19 or 22 max which is tomorrow. but no sign of it yet. moreover, additionally i am having sore boobs, extreme tired ness, light headed, nausea in the morning until i eat. lower back pain if i lift something or bend, and white tissue like things in the urine. could it that i am possibly pregnant. i took a HPT on 19th due to fatigue but came out negative. so i am afraid of BFN now. please help
  • Hello ladies,
    Getting pregnant when you are diagnose with PCOS is POSSIBLE! I was diagnose with PCOS in March 2012, and was going through the whole clomid, metformin, estradiol stuff. My OBGYN started me off with 1 clomid(1pill) &500mg metformin(1pill). That didn't work, so she up my metformin to 1000mg(2pills) and also up the dose on clomid to 2 pills. After several months of trying with no luck, she finally up my clomid to 3 pills and my metformin to 1500mg (3pills) and BAMm! I ovulated and got pregnant beginning of January 2013, I just recently had my son in September 2013. He weight 9 pound 9 ounce! My weight when I got pregnant was 165. By time I was in labor I weight about 198. It is possible, so don't give up.
  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    I had PCOS too. Watch out ladies it can quickly turn cancerous. Be your own advocate and DEMAND biopsies even when they don't wanna take em!!!!

    I was diagnosed with stage FOUR.....!!!!! endometrial cancer this summer after being told it was just PCOS all these years. I've never been able to conceive either - conceive if you can when you can, because that GREATLY lowers your chances of getting cancer.

    I am going through chemo now, with radiation coming up, after having a full hysterectomy this summer.

    My belly was getting bigger and bigger and bigger despite dieting and exercise and come to find out it was all WATER! Can you believe that? It's fluid called ascites and it is from the cancer! They drained it and I lost 45 pounds in one day! I laid there and watched my belly deflate like a balloon.

    If you have a hard, round belly, and especially if you ever feel like you're being punched in the gut when you turn - get yourself checked for ascites STAT.


  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Kiki,

    I have Insulin Resistance and PCOS, which was diagnosed 16 years ago when I was TTC.

    Recommendation (and what works) is to stay within your calorie goal, but also keep carbs around 75-100g per day. If you cut back on your grains and sugars and eat your carbs in the form of non-starchy vegetables, berries and citrus this is pretty easy to do.

    I did have a baby (via IVF) and she is now a wonderful 14 year old. You can do it, but really, the carbs are the key to getting it under control and keeping it under control.

    Best wishes for you and your DH.