How do you stay motivated?

Hey all. I'm sorta new here but having a lot of trouble with motivation. I just tried changing my ticker to 'pounds to go' and I think it's intimidating me instead. Except seeing only '3 pounds lost' makes me feel like I'm failing. I don't really have a support system here. All my friends are bigger than me and tell me that I'm their goal weight so I shouldn't worry. Except they're all taller than me with a totally different bone structure. I'm only 5'3". So anyways, what do you do to stay motivated?


  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Motivation isn't enough because everyone loses motivation at some point. Personally for me, it comes in waves and is often determined by the time of the month. You have to make a COMMITTMENT to yourself that you will stick to eating well and working out in order to acheive your goals. And you have to stop listening to the haters that surround you. You know how you feel and they can't tell you otherwise!
    Also an accountability group helps tremendously!! I've just started a group on Facebook that is full of committed people with an assortment of goals...from losing 50 lbs to losing 5 lbs. We all use MFP and we're all on different workout regimes. The group is private so your friends and fam won't see your posts. It's a 90 day challenge that starts on the 1st. If you're interested add me as a friend...Ali Piazza. Hope to see you there :)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I take my weight loss in small increments. I have about 40 pounds to lose but I also focus on the small victories, like inches lost or my clothes feeling looser.

    Also, surround yourself here with weight-loss buddies with like-minded goals. I've found the encouragement and support here much more helpful than from my family and IRL friends.
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    i did commit 100% to this for myself, but working in an office with 7 other "skinny" women who have called me the "fat one" one too many times is very motivating. Keep in mind ladies I may be the "fat one" now but I have always been the smart one and in a year I will be the "skinny smart one" and a total threat!
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    i look at my "overweight, tired, no energy for anything" friends :o)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    At the end of the day, you just have to suck it up and do what it takes. I lost 100 lbs of pregnancy weight in 7 months. Before I got pregnant, I'd fluctuate at most, maybe 12 lbs (I'm 5'11). I could buckle down and look great in a bikini in 3 weeks. Even though 7 months isn't that long, at about month 4 after busting a/ss EVERY SINGLE DAY and never cheating, it was hard to look in the mirror and not see a skinny person! But, there was no way I was just going to throw the towel in -- dejected or not. I pulled out my goal jeans, couldn't get them on, and found my motivation that way. Do whatever it takes. Look at a thin person, look at yourself naked, just get through it.
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    You could try creating a vision board....either on Pinterest or by getting some foam board and taping/gluing things to it. Put motivational quotes, photos, things you will treat yourself to when you hit your goals on it. Keep it somewhere you will look at all the time. It helps me to stay focused and it reminds me why I started this journey in the first place.