Depo shot weight gain...anyone else?

After my doctor pushed me to go on Depo (I can't take bc pills cause of my family history for blood clots) my metabolisim pretty much stopped. I put on 30lbs in 3 months flat. I have never been one to have to worry about what I eat and I'm very active all the time so I'm not in any way lazy but it has seriously depressed me. I've been off the medication for 2 months almost and I am still having a problem losing anything. Is anyone else having a similar issue? Any suggestions or thoughts on how long after the medication wears off that I should see my bodys metabolisim return to normal? My recent reading has told me it could take up to a whole year:-(


  • bunnygirl1978
    bunnygirl1978 Posts: 32 Member
    I put rather a lot on too and it coinsides with my depo, but have to stay on it whilst I am waiting to be sterilised.
    I did speak to the nurse who said take water tablets at the ovulation time every month to help beat the water retention, but I havent ovulated for 5 years and cant seem to work it out when the right time would be.
    I'm due again next month but thinking of tryoing the coil or something,.
    Glad to know its not just me tho, doctors dont tell you this when you get it done
  • vipergts223
    vipergts223 Posts: 114 Member
    My previous girlfriend ( of 5 years) was on the depo shot as well, and the same thing happened to her. She wasnt able to really loose the weight until they stopped the shot and went to another method.
  • sdbySassyGal
    sdbySassyGal Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on a heavier dose of Depo for cancer maintenance, and my doctors told me I WOULD experience weight gain. Like you OP, I never had to worry about my weight in the past, but I gained a solid 20 lbs with depo. Their only advice was to eat less and move more. I would think after 3-6 mos your metabolism will return to its original state, however don't forget age etc also plays a role.
    I wouldn't give up the Depo since my reason for taking it so important, but now I've added a serious injury to my weight problem, so the "move more" philosophy certainly isn't happening, and the "eat less" portion didn't ramp with up with the massive slowdown! UGH!
  • In the past I have had Depo shot and I couldnt figure out why I kept putting on weight no matter how much I exercised. It was due to the Depo. Once I stopped the weight melted off slowly, it took about a year before my body was back to normal. But that was after I made that life changing decision where I wouldnt have to worry about it. But during the time, the weight for me was worth the consequences. Maybe there is an alternative that your doctor can recommend.
  • Coco, yeah its very slow going and I have been off for 2 months but haven't seen much change. Its just frustrating that I'm so active and eat healthy yet it does nothing. Glad I'm not alone though:-)
  • yoli_a
    yoli_a Posts: 1
    I had the depo shot twice. And this is just not the birth control for me. I experienced terrible side effects which included my period lasting for weeks, as well as terrible mood swings. I gained about 20 pounds in the six months I was on the shot. I really didn't understand how I was gaining so much weight. I have always had a small figure, and my eating and exercise habits had not changed. I started the deposit shot at 103 pounds now I'm a scary 121 pounds. My last shot was in Jan 2012, my periods are still very irregular which probably means the hormones haven't completely left my body. Hopefully the weight starts coming off soon.
  • I had 2 surgeries and my doctor recommended the depo shot after. I took 2 shots (6 months worth) and gained 10 pounds almost immediately. I never went back in for my 3rd shot, and it's been 3.5 months. I FINALLY am starting to feel like my old self in the past two days, with my appitite decreasing, but havent actually lost any weight that I am aware of yet. Worst desicion ever to take Depo.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I have seen it happen with MANY of my patients.
  • I was on the Depo shot for a couple of years when I was younger; I also gained weight, slowly but surely. Once I got off of the shot it seemed like my weight gain slowed, but the damage was done. Ever since being on Depo I have a much harder time loosing weight. Weight used to fall off of me if I put some effort into dieting and exercising. I hate to say it, but I think this medication alters your metabolisim, I think it gets better but deffinately causes permanent damage.
  • oncearound
    oncearound Posts: 31 Member
    I used the depo shot for five years about 12-13 years ago. I gained some weight, but my biggest problem was when I tried to have another child. I ended up with emergency surgery. Check with your doctor if you decide to have a child...I got pregnant too quickly off the shot and ended up with an ectopic pregnancy which ended in loss of a fallopian tube and an ovary. As for weight gain, I think I gained and lost 5-10 pounds with yo-yo dieting.
  • xjandlc
    xjandlc Posts: 1
    i have been on the depo shot for a year and a half now. i gained 50 pounds! worst thing i could have ever went on. im so depressed of my weight gain. the doctor never told me i would gain weight like this. if i would have known, i would have never went on it. my next shot is due in june. im not getting it again!!!
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    I had the depo shot once and ended up in the ER with terrible chest pains, they said it was a side effect from the shot. I also did gain a few pounds from it.
  • debbieeich
    debbieeich Posts: 1
    I have been really discouraged too. I didn't gain, but I CANNOT loose!! I have been eating right and doing cardio/weight training since Jan and I have only lost about 3 lbs. I am so discouraged. It just wore off about a couple weeks ago, and I am just now starting to feel like I am slimming down a bit, but the scale doesn't agree. I keep telling myself it is going to get better, but it does make it hard to stay the course when you get no results. I am really amazingly glad that I am not the only one feeling this way!!! I hope someday I will be able to see the results I want!!!
  • divadeuce007
    divadeuce007 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been off and on depo for 10 years or so.... when i first got on it I did experience some weight gain However, I was also really bad at watching my eating habits. Over the years I have noticed that when I a not conscious about what I consume and when I gain. When I do watch what i eat (especially when stress eating) I am just fine.
  • leesyc81
    leesyc81 Posts: 52 Member
    i was on depo for 6 months and gained 2 stone. periods came back and went back to normal about 3 months after the last jab was was due. i still get a stomach bloat quite alot. when on depo i kept looking pregnantt but im hoping that will go soon
  • maggiekcm
    maggiekcm Posts: 8
    Ohhhhh I asked my doctor about depo and she told me NOT to go on it because of the weight gain... Sorry for you :( Good luck!
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Hmm, I think it's two sided for sure.

    I was on Depo twelve years ago and my doctor swore up and down that it did NOT cause weight gain. I have since learned from other doctors that this is not true. I went from 114lbs (size 1/3) to 164+ (size 13- tight!) in just a few months. Within a month of getting off of it, I dropped to a size 6 which is where I still sit all these years later.

    I do think that Depo caused weight gain and that it made me constantly hungry, however, now I'm stuck with the responsibility of getting the last of those pounds off through diet and exercise. It's hard work but I know it's possible because not that long ago I got down to 130... so give it time and keep working at it! Don't just lay it all on the depo because you're going to have to put in the work to get it off too.
  • cherryqb
    cherryqb Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, Yes Yes! And it has been 12 years since I took that shot! After I had my kids, I went back to my normal weight! Then I started to take the dreaded depo shot! I blew up like a blow up doll! Now I am struggling to lose the weight!
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    My Mom and BF were on this gained a ton of weight. The second they went off it, it was like letting air out of a balloon in a two month period they were back to normal. They never changed eating habits or exercised I might add. That shot is evil!!!
  • lizlashley2009
    lizlashley2009 Posts: 54 Member
    I was on it for almost two years I didn't gain weight at first I stayed the same then about two mnts after starting I gained 30 lbs its been so hard to loose it ive been off of it for a year ans still have a hard time of loosing it still have no sex drive totally messed up my body oh and I never had cramps but now I do awful awful awful