Recording Strength Class Online

I've been a member on this site since June and I do love it. Up until today, the only exercise I've done is cardio which I find is pretty easy to record. This morning I took my first strength class at my local YMCA and I went to add it to my exercise today and it looks like I have to enter every little thing we did. Isn't there an easier way? It was an hour-long class and we covered just about every body part and if I have to enter each thing, I just don't think I will (it will take me longer to record than it did to take the class!!!) Any suggestions?


  • free2roam66
    Just put in 60 minutes of strength training. That is what I do. Just search strength training and then put in the 60 minutes.
  • new_Kendra
    Add the strength training under cardio for one hour.
  • NoMoreGorda
    NoMoreGorda Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks. Funny that it's under cardio but, what the heck, it works for me. I appreciate the help!
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    Strength Training is still a style of's spiking and lowering your heart rate constantly!

    Thus, you can actually add "Strength Training" under Cardio in the Exercise log.