Not enough water

I am never thirsty, how can I drink more water, I know this is keeping me from losing more weight! Thanks, Patty


  • tiffyree
    tiffyree Posts: 18 Member
    I had to make water part of my routine, when i get out of bed I pass through the kitchen and grab a bottle (i didn't even realise I was thirsty) and drink most if not all of it before I get my cup of coffee. I found packing bottles of water to take with me through day reminded me I needed to drink them. My goal was three bottle (or 6 glasses) throughout the day before gym time, then drink while you work out. I also started having a glass of water with dinner. I used to not drink anything but one cup of coffee in the morning and wasn't thirsty. (but I also never visited the restroom which wasn't good either). If you don't care for straight water get some crystal light or other generic sugar free drink mix in. The firts week I was in restroom constantly, but that leveled out.
  • LucyvdPelt
    LucyvdPelt Posts: 34 Member
    i keep a jug of water on the office table too

    try really to increase the water amount - besides the weight loss the effect on your skin and wellbeeing will surprise you
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    You just have to force yourself. Got to drink it even when not thirsty.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    me too, but i drink over 8 glasses a day now for sure,, i keep it everywhere, on the counters, by the computers, i just keep drinking!,
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 137 Member
    I have a sports water bottle and I set times that it has to be empty. For example when I am working out I have to drink it every hour. (it holds 36oz) That insures me that I'm drinking enough and then during the day I drink it again. I average about 12, 8oz water a day)
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    i used to be just like this ... i just forced myself to drink it. at first, i added lemons to make it more tolerable and now i'm downing AT LEAST 100 oz per day! just keep at it ... it helps all around :drinker:
  • RahRahRiotSC
    RahRahRiotSC Posts: 29 Member
    you can mix in something to make it more flavorful... I like the Sweet Tea from MiO!
  • PinkLinda
    PinkLinda Posts: 16 Member
    I just drink it.....but for me it has to be cold. I even drink it with my meals. i sometimes have green tea in place when i'm out -- but nothing in it but maybe a lemon. i drink it even if not thirsty and i find if i don't keep up with it, then i feel it at i just make sure i drink it. i don't have it in place of my morning coffee...i love my coffee!
  • lucky410
    lucky410 Posts: 6 Member
    sometimes adding crystal light can help. I used to have trouble keeping hydrated all of the time and I had the same problem as you. maybe have a timer on you that goes off to remind you to drink every lets say every half an hour. or make a goal to finish a normal water bottle (16oz) in an hour and take small sips here and there until the timer goes off. just be careful not to over hydrate yourself.