Need some tips.

I am 5'5", 128lbs, MFP had me at 1280cals I lost 4lbs then stopped losing. I upped it to 1390. I exercise 3-4 times on a good week, Jazzercise (cardio&strength) and running (just beginning). I almost always eat my exercise calories.
To maintain my weight it says to eat 1890cals. My question comes in here..should I eat that much if I am exercising if my main goal is to tone up? I could stand to lose some weight, but mostly just in a particular area (belly). Is there any tips for focusing on abs (eating & exercising) or will the toning come just by doing what I am doing now? I know it takes time, but I am impatient :)
I am not seeing any progress the last couple weeks and I have noticed self sabotage :/ I just feel lost and not sure where to start. I know I can lose weight, but I don't want to be a smaller version of this body, I want a toned, semi-muscular body. I have gotten down to 118 before and I hated the way my clothes fit, baggy in the hips and still had a little belly...I have had 3 kids so I blame them :)

Thanks for any advice!


  • McMommyx3
    McMommyx3 Posts: 19
    bump :)
  • SalinaR3nay
    SalinaR3nay Posts: 7 Member
    If you want a nice toned belly you will have to lose that fat. But you need to concentrate on eating lots of good proteins.
    Plus working on ab exercises. :)
    You have to be patient. Keep up with it. It will pay off! ;)
  • McMommyx3
    McMommyx3 Posts: 19
    Thanks :)
    That is what I figured! I know we can't lost weight in just one area, but it would be nice :)