From Sedentary to "Moving" YEESH! Give a girl some encoura

So I've signed on to this and am starting from ground zero, having gotten fed up with living like a pudge loaf.

I am going from straight up sedentary couch potato to walking three times a week and it's KILLING me. How the hell did I let myself get this way? Does it get easier? Because right now it seems impossible and I wanna quit. I know I can't! When does it start getting easier?


  • charlenem99
    Great job getting up and moving! Once your endurance builds up it will get easier. Please don't give up! You have made it this far no turning back now. I wish you the best .
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    YES it gets easier!! so hang in there!!!

    You are taking that first big step.. and that's a big one.. the progressions to more activity will get easier once you begin to be more active! :)

    Good Luck!! way to go on making this great change in your life!
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    Take it one day at a time dear. We are here to encourage each other, so making the decision to move everyday is a great move for you. You can add me....we encourage each other! :smile: :happy:
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    hang in did the hard part (well a bit hard) and that was joining up....stay the course!

    good luck!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    You're lightyears ahead of the folks that are still on the couch. :)

    No one ever claimed this journey was easy... if they did, they lied. If it's hard that means you're working, remember that. And once it gets "easy" you're going to need to switch things up again to make it challenging.

    You can do it! It's hard but so worth it in the end!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Every little bit will add even if you have to break it into five minute increments multiple times over the day, it still counts!
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    It definitely gets easier! Are there any nature and/or hiking trails near you? When I first started getting more active, I got bored pretty quick with the same old scenery. Trying out new places, especially with my family, made it a lot more fun and effective.
  • MarySunshine70
    pudge loaf.
    This made me smile!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Don't you dare quit! It will get easier with every pound you lose; with every step you take; with every positive change you make (Hey that could be a Police song).

    You've got this. One foot in front of the other baby!
  • Phestr
    Phestr Posts: 37
    It does get better. I went from nothing to hitting the gym 6 days a week in 8 months. So it takes time, but it is SO worth it. You have the right attitude, though. It's easy to justify sitting around, and you decided to do something about it. DOOO IIIIT!
  • zan2me
    zan2me Posts: 1
    I'm right there with you! We can do it but it's ok to be grumpy about it sometimes. I've actually gained weight since joining but know it will start to drop eventually.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I started out walking 4 miles a day at 281 lbs. in January, after being sedentary for months. It DOES get easier. Just pace yourself for whatever works for you. :)
  • ourmamros
    ourmamros Posts: 21 Member
    You go girl! I am four weeks in from walking as little as possible, being glued to that couch. I now walk two stops futher to get the bus to work. Instead of collecting things to take upstairs I go up for each one. Today i noticed the stairs are easier!!! The little things like parking further away and going the long way round at work really add up. Keep going!
  • xjackie83
    xjackie83 Posts: 23 Member
    When I first started I would walk the easy lap around my neighborhood and it would take me almost an hour to do it and I would be dead tired. Now I walk the hard lap (it has two steep hills) and I can do it in under 40 minutes and have tons of energy! This week, I've finally started jogging! It took me 80 days, but I'm doing it and it does get easier!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    It gets a lot easier! I promise. When I started, I thought that walking from the parking lot to my desk was a long haul (Something like 500-600 steps and 1.5 flights of stairs), I was doing somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 steps per day. Now, six weeks later, I am averaging 10,000 steps per day and have switched to a standing desk at work. I am by no means running or jogging, but I am up and about a lot more and LOVING it. Stick with it and know that it is OK to take it a little at a time.

    I think that one of the biggest things that have helped DW and I has been buying our FitBits, they motivate us to do better and I know it really gets under DW's skin when I come home with more steps than her, so she hits the treadmill a lot more or we take our dogs for longer and longer walks. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yes, it definitely gets better! I used to be completely sedentary. I moved to walking 15 min a day to work, then added 15 min at lunch and have grown from there.

    Now I'm living overseas without a car and am walking about 2 - 4 hours a day (yes, seriously!) My feet are sore and I get tired, but I've got no other way of getting around and the extra calories mean I can eat pretty much what I want! :smile: And my legs and butt are the best they've ever been! You'll feel heaps better when you can start to see some changes in your body and in your fitness levels. Just keep going!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Almost 200# ago I was there too. It does get easier, and it is not an overnight thing, but you will wake up one day and say to yourself "huh, I don't feel as bad today as I did yesterday", and you will keep saying that until finally you will wake up, stretch, and say "I feel great! Let's go!!"
  • betsyr13
    betsyr13 Posts: 45 Member
    It does get easier. Also, I must tell you how much I love the term "pudge loaf."
  • kbmw1215
    kbmw1215 Posts: 1
    I just started too! I figured I had to start somewhere.:happy:
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    It does get better! Don't quit and stick with it!
    I've been amazed at how much further I can go without feeling fatigued. The important thing is to not give up!