From Sedentary to "Moving" YEESH! Give a girl some encoura



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Yes, yes, YES! It does get easier!! Just keep doing what you are doing and you will find yourself walking farther and/or faster in no time!

    I was the same way... I went from being a couch potato to an acitive person, but it didn't happen overnight. I started by walking (I lost nearly 80 pounds "just" walking), then I incorporated a bit of other activity, then I gave running a try.

    You can do this. Just do a little bit more each day and as your weight comes off, your endurance (not to mention your confidence) will continue to build!

  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    YES, it gets easier!!! I am obese and a couch potato but started walking and exercising...just the little bit that I could do at a time......and that was only a few minutes...but I built up, just slowly a bit at a time...and was feeling so much better...could get around better, just in general...and was adding more and more time to it...then, I had an injury an dhavne't been able to do it anymore..but it had gotten easier..did I still hate it and ahve to make myself do it?? YEPPPPP...but YEPPP!!! but after I did it, I was so proud of myself and just walking around at work or doing housework, I had so much more energy and it felt easier to get around so I could really see the difference. Don't give up......every little bit helps!!! Good luck on your journey!!
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    It certainly gets easier, and it is so fabulous when you notice you are feeling lighter. I donated my car, so am forced to alfdo my errands walking and with public transportation thrown into the mix. I quickly learned that those shopping bags feel light when you leave the store, but about halfway home they feel more like bags of bricks.
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    Hi, YES it does get easier, you will be surprised how quickly you will start to feel better!! I walk everyday, i started with a mile and found going uphill a real struggle! Now i walk for 3/4 miles a day and can march uphill! You are doing really well, keep going and good luck x
  • I totally feel your pain. I don't know how the hell I let myself get like this. I overdid the ellipticle last night and my butt is KILLING me. Literally. LOL

    My problem is that I LOVE food and I wish I was a pickier eater. It would be so much easier that way. And right now I'm usually tired, so that doesn't help in getting off the couch. I just want to nap. But that won't be much help.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Congratulations on your decision ... just remember, baby steps don't do too much too quick that is just a recipe for failure...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Haha, yes it gets easier! You can do this! You are taking the steps you need in the right direction!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    You bet it gets easier. Don't give up!!!!!!! Keep at it and little things will start to change and that helps motivate you and then you see more progress. It just builds on itself.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    So I've signed on to this and am starting from ground zero, having gotten fed up with living like a pudge loaf.

    I am going from straight up sedentary couch potato to walking three times a week and it's KILLING me. How the hell did I let myself get this way? Does it get easier? Because right now it seems impossible and I wanna quit. I know I can't! When does it start getting easier?

    Hi! Welcome!

    Last summer, I was in your shoes. I was a VEG, and wasn't moving, was eating whatever I wanted, just didn't care! I started small.............a walk around the block. Taking my grandson to the park. Then, I started to walk the beautiful trails in my city - slowly, I worked up to being able to walk for an hour or more.

    I am not a gym person. I'm not interested in becoming Wonder 57 yrs young, I just want to be healthy, to feel good, to look better.

    Take your time!!! How many years did it take you to get to where you are today??? DON'T overdo'll get discouraged and give up.

    But don't give up...........I have lost 24 lbs, just by doing things in increments................and YES, baby steps DO work
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    So I've signed on to this and am starting from ground zero, having gotten fed up with living like a pudge loaf.

    :laugh: Sorry, that's just adorable!
    I am going from straight up sedentary couch potato to walking three times a week and it's KILLING me. How the hell did I let myself get this way? Does it get easier? Because right now it seems impossible and I wanna quit. I know I can't! When does it start getting easier?
    First off -- yes, it gets easier. My first "workout" incapacitated me for 2 days. I did squats, lunges, and all manner of other tortuous movements to somebody who had gotten completely out of shape. It took 2 days before I could sit down unassisted... anywhere. Let your imagination chew on that one for a while. ;-)

    The thing I feel now is - elated - when I finish a workout. I know my workouts are light years easier than those who have been doing this a while - but for me, this is real serious progress! But guess what -- as soon as it gets too easy, I won't be satisfied with it. I'll have to push myself further.

    Please stay the course! Friend me if you like - it's WAY easier when you have a shoulder to cry on.

  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Bravo for getting up and making change for yourself!!

    It totally gets better, as everyone has said. I also wanted to add a couple points:

    1. NEVER feel like you're not doing enough or that you're not as good as anyone else because they go farther or faster. You do the best you can and be PROUD of every accomplishment.

    2. Not only does it get better, but it gets addicting. Soon you will crave that movement and start competing with yourself to do things you never thought you could before.

    3. Epsom Salt baths are amazing for muscle aches. Try a 15 minute bath a couple times a week and your achy muscles will thank you.

    You're amazing, keep up the great work!!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I, too, just started. I started back in January, and initially it was around my place of business, and I walked as hard and as fast as I could. It took me about 13 minutes at first, and after 2 months, I've got it down to less than 10 minutes. I've added more distance to my walk, and am walking about 15 minutes on my break. I am generally breathing pretty hard when I get back and am pretty sweaty, which is gross being at work, but my endurance is improving. I actually started jogging last weekend, and was able to jog about 6 minutes overall. (walk a block, run a block, etc...)
    It does get better, just hang in there and don't give up. Look at the success stories on here, and believe me, that will motivate you!! Good luck on your journey.