1370 Calories for a 222 lb male??

I just signed up today, entered my profile, 222 lbs, 5'10", low-exercise job (desk) - according to Myfitness pal, I should be shooting for 1370 calories a day, according to other sites, that is in the Starvation area. Any thoughts?


  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    what do you have put in for your weight loss goal (lbs/week)?
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    honestly that would be starvation mode. so I would not advise it. I would up your calories.
  • xmandadollx
    xmandadollx Posts: 69 Member
    Did you set it to lose 2 pounds a week? If so, you might change it to lose one pound a week. That way, you can get more calories. You can always adjust the settings any time you like. Good luck! MFP started me off at 1200 calories! I quickly changed my settings to a pound a week and I frequently lose 1.5-2 pounds a week.
  • spencerabc
    I entered 2 lbs per week - that may be too much to start with?
  • weightlosshippie
    weightlosshippie Posts: 31 Member
    Go to 1 pound a week or .5 a pound per week
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Go to 1 pound a week or .5 a pound per week

  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Holy Jeez! I'm eating 2500 net calories (3000 gross on gym days) and I'm not much heavier than that. There is no way in... anything at all that I could handle eating that little. I just went to the gym last night and I've been hungry like crazy all day.
  • Wildgirl10
    Yes 2lbs a week is a ridiculous goal in the beginning...don't deprive
  • spencerabc
    I entered 1 lb per week, which brought me up to 1870 calories per day, that seems a lot more reasonable.
  • doyledozo
    doyledozo Posts: 42 Member
    Something isn't right there. I'm 5'10" 220, started at 230. Setup to lose 2lbs a week and I'm allowed 1600 cal, It was 1670 until I hit 220.
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 158 pounds and 5"5 and I'm eating 1390 a day...I think you could definitely eat a lot, lot more! You'll still lose weight for sure :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I`m 194lb and its set to 2lbs a week...My base line is 1800 cals..Don`t know why yours is set so low..
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Your goal is fine. There is already a deficit built into what you want. If you add exercise...you get to eat MORE. So, BURN IT!!!!!!!!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Starvation mode is largely a MYTH. What isn't a myth is people aiming too low for what they are capable to stick to diligently.

    That being said, you probably don't have alot of weight to lose (less than 30 lbs?). The less you have to lose, the slower you can/should go. Suggest making your goal 1 or 1.5 lbs a week. It's all about what you can stick to without hating yourself.

    And ignore the fear mongers.
  • spencerabc
    I like the 1lb per week with 1870 calorie goal, I know that is less than I eat now - this program will really help me track all the little snacks that add up (the 30 lbs I need to lose snuck on in the past 4.5 years after I quit smoking)
  • ShirleyBMason
    i wouldn't start off with so little calories. I would be hungry which would cause me to over eat and that would defeat the whole purpose fo setting a weight-loss goal. I'd rather start of slow and increase as the time goes on. Remember slow and Steady wins the race.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Starvation mode is largely a MYTH. What isn't a myth is people aiming too low for what they are capable to stick to diligently.

    That being said, you probably don't have alot of weight to lose (less than 30 lbs?). The less you have to lose, the slower you can/should go. Suggest making your goal 1 lb a week.

    And ignore the fear mongers.

    Maybe, maybe not, but I'm just sayin, he's gonna be one hungry dude. I'd definitely be chasing my dog around the yard with a bottle of barbeque sauce within a week.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Starvation mode is largely a MYTH. What isn't a myth is people aiming too low for what they are capable to stick to diligently.

    That being said, you probably don't have alot of weight to lose (less than 30 lbs?). The less you have to lose, the slower you can/should go. Suggest making your goal 1 lb a week.

    And ignore the fear mongers.

    Maybe, maybe not, but I'm just sayin, he's gonna be one hungry dude. I'd definitely be chasing my dog around the yard with a bottle of barbeque sauce within a week.

    yeah, exactly. It's all about what is doable for you. But I hate it when people say" OMG YOUR METABOLISM WILL SHUT DOWN" about low cal goals, instead of "wow, you won't be able to keep that up."
  • spencerabc
    I sit at a desk all day, that probably is one reason for the low calorie setting, I will try the 1870 calorie setting and see how that goes.
  • nerhardt
    nerhardt Posts: 2
    Once you start doin it, it isn't that hard. Just choose things that fill you up that are low in calories. I ate an whole cucumber today with my chicken lunch instead of pasta. it was great. And stay away from alcohol and sugar. However, if you do get a craving for sweets, Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers have ice cream bars that are only 100 calories and they are great. Weight loss is not only physical, it's psychological too. Just work on it every day.