Help me find a good Heart Rate monitor + Calorie counter

norie92 Posts: 115 Member
I need a heart rate monitor + calorie counter.

I'm on a bit of a budget, can't go much over $20-$25.

Any good ones on Amazon?

Thanks all.


  • jadesaber
    I know that they have excellent ones on but they are about 75......I haven't tried Amazon though
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I can tell you that you will not find one worth buying for that cheap.

    Trust me. When I bought mine I looked and looked because I didn't have much to spend. But the finger tip ones are not accurate, and very annoying to use.

    I found a Timex Fitness HRM and calorie counter for under $50 (including shipping) on Ebay and it's worked great for me.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I can tell you that you will not find one worth buying for that cheap.

    Trust me. When I bought mine I looked and looked because I didn't have much to spend. But the finger tip ones are not accurate, and very annoying to use.

    I found a Timex Fitness HRM and calorie counter for under $50 (including shipping) on Ebay and it's worked great for me.

    Yep, expect to spent more than $25.
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 and I love it, but it was about $80 on Amazon.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, I think the only way to get a good one for that low is through eBay. I found my $70 New Balance N4 on eBay, brand new in the box, for $26. I had several different models on my watch list (Polars and New Balance), and just watched them. If someone else bid them too high, oh well, on to the next one. Only took about a week of watching & being patient, and I scored the NB for cheap. Works great, I've been very happy with it.

    Kind of a long shot, but you could always check Craigslist, too. I saw one for sale in my area awhile back for $25 - I would have gone for it but I already had mine.

    Good luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    For 20-25 dollars you will not find a good one that is going to last.. You are going to have to spend at least 60 if you want a decent one.

    Personally I like Polar.. Had a Timex and I felt it gave a very inflated calorie estimation.
  • rcolours7
    rcolours7 Posts: 69
    definitely look at amazon &

    timex and polar are 2 great brands to get. i think u'll spend less than $100 for either
  • norie92
    norie92 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone.