1370 Calories for a 222 lb male??



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You will slow your metabolism down to a crawl at that low. I tried going too low to start with and stopped losing weight after 2 weeks. Hit up www.fit2fatradio.com/tools and the Military Bodyfat and BMR and Calorie calculators. I'm now eating a 1000 more than MFP said I should and losing bodyfat steadily again.
  • notbigliz
    notbigliz Posts: 5 Member
    Im not male but i am 256 and my cals for 2 lbs a week is 1370 I think. Which if my meals are chosen well I can eat more than I can fit and still have some left over. My diary is public if you want some ideas and I also have some great recipes I can share. Also anyone add me!
  • divegeek
    divegeek Posts: 3 Member
    If you can do 2 lbs per week, go for it. If you can't, don't be so aggressive. Time and consistency will get you there, short term extreme deprivation will not.

    Personally, I don't have a hard time maintaining a 1000 calorie daily deficit. I'm 215 lbs, and my daily calorie limit is 1440. I'm pretty much always hungry, but I'm okay with that. I do find that by shifting more of my calories to proteins and fats, with less carbs, I am a little less hungry, but I'm always hungry anyway. I prefer to be hungry for six months and get it over with... but if that turned out to bother me too much, I'd drop it back to 1.5 or 1 pounds per week.

    Another thing that helps is to track your exercise and use that to offset. When you're really hungry and just have to eat something, go exercise it off first, and then eat.

    Oh and as for the "starvation mode" "slow your metabolism to a crawl" crap -- it's crap. Scientific oxygen chamber tests that measure actual calories burned show that the basal metabolic rate doesn't vary by more than a few percent, regardless of calorie intake. So, "starvation mode" might be able to reduce your basal metabolic rate by 100 calories per day. Maybe. Which makes a lot of sense, actually; a "high metabolism" would just be pure inefficiency, and our bodies are fairly efficient machines. People who appear to have high metabolisms are just more active. If you want that, find ways to be more active.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    As a woman, I eat anywhere from 1800-2100 cals a day and I have lost 12.75 inches this month. I was eating 1400 cals a day and killing it at the gym and losing NOTHING. Now I will not eat anything less than my net BMR calories.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    From what I understand it's because here they don't assume that you are exercising. If you exercise you will be allotted more calories that you can consume.

    With that said, I have it set to 0.5 a pound a week becuase there is no way in Hades, I'm going to be able to survive on 1200 calories.... Scratch that... That everyone else is going to survive me being on 1200 calories.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I entered 1 lb per week, which brought me up to 1870 calories per day, that seems a lot more reasonable.

    I'm 222 lbs, too. I'm a little older (51) and taller (6'6"). I've also got my activity level set to sedentary. At 1 lb per week, my net calorie goal is 2010. My exercise averages an extra 350 calories a day, and I usually find myself very satisfied with the resulting 2360 calories in food.

    I've been losing steadily at slightly more than the 1 lb per week goal. And so far the body fat estimates based on waist measurements say that's nearly all fat loss.

    All of which is to say, if your experience is like mine, you'll do well on 1870 + exercise cals.

    Of course, as always: "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy."
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    did you make sure to put that you are a male? lol Just checking...
  • Chasing your dog with barbaque sauce! Hilarious!!!! Good metaphor.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Chasing your dog with barbaque sauce! Hilarious!!!! Good metaphor.

    She's an 80 lb dog. She'd make a good meal. :tongue:
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I was a 233 lb. 42 y.o. male that is now a 202 lb. male from eating 1370 calories (now down to 1330 calories) per day.

    My settings are at 2 lbs. per week.

    This is more than sufficient calories to keep me full and satisfied. It all depends what you eat.

    If you eat a burger and fries. Bang. You're done.

    If you eat stuff like I do, you can eat three meals per day plus snacks and do just fine.

    Anyway, that's been my experience for what its worth. :smile:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    looks like you have set it to lose albs a week with no exercise. id change this and add exercise,too. you are more likely to lose by eating sensibly in ADDITION to some good cardio.
  • jasonr1442
    jasonr1442 Posts: 67 Member
    Holy balls! Forget the starvation mode BS. I had to do so much research because half of the people on here talk about it like it's something you need to be afraid of. Trust me you aren't going to starve and you won't plateau for atleast 2 months. The only thing you will do is lose as much muscle as fat. I've lost 35lbs since the middle of January and the last 2 weekss is when I started slowing but that is because I am eating more to gain muscle back.

    I chose to lose it all because I know how to build muscle and it comes back quick.

    I'm still doing 1370ish calories but am now eating my workout claories where as in the beginning I didn't.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I have it set at lose 1 pound per week and I've consistently lost more (about 2 pounds per week)...
  • Bearb2532
    Bearb2532 Posts: 8 Member
    So funny, Jason!!! I've been doing MFP for just about a year now... still haven't figured out how these posts go, I usually just keep track on my phone. Anyway, I am a Nurse, and a Mom, some days I don't get to sit at all and sometimes (like on my days off) I can't move!! LOL I have my setting at Sedentary right now and it has me for 1200 cals/day. I understand that the more Cardio workout I do, the more Cals I get to eat in a day. And I was doing pretty good for a while, dropped some weight, not more than 10 lbs. In December 2010 I joined a new gym that open up literally right down the street from me. I get to the gym pretty regular (generally 3 times a week) and have changed up my routine and focus a few times. I haven't hit a plateau, I have hit a brick wall!!! I dropped my calories on MFP from 1340 at Lightly Active to Sedentary 1200 hoping to shake outta this and now I'm GAINING!!! At first I thought it was all the overnight shifts at work I was picking up, but after reading this string of repy's I'm not so sure.
    Thanks for the insight... nice to know at least I'm not alone :-}
    O, and I did find the fit2fatradio thing, but can't seem to find the Military Bodyfat or other stuff recommended... any suggestions?
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    So funny, Jason!!! I've been doing MFP for just about a year now... still haven't figured out how these posts go, I usually just keep track on my phone. Anyway, I am a Nurse, and a Mom, some days I don't get to sit at all and sometimes (like on my days off) I can't move!! LOL I have my setting at Sedentary right now and it has me for 1200 cals/day. I understand that the more Cardio workout I do, the more Cals I get to eat in a day. And I was doing pretty good for a while, dropped some weight, not more than 10 lbs. In December 2010 I joined a new gym that open up literally right down the street from me. I get to the gym pretty regular (generally 3 times a week) and have changed up my routine and focus a few times. I haven't hit a plateau, I have hit a brick wall!!! I dropped my calories on MFP from 1340 at Lightly Active to Sedentary 1200 hoping to shake outta this and now I'm GAINING!!! At first I thought it was all the overnight shifts at work I was picking up, but after reading this string of repy's I'm not so sure.
    Thanks for the insight... nice to know at least I'm not alone :-}
    O, and I did find the fit2fatradio thing, but can't seem to find the Military Bodyfat or other stuff recommended... any suggestions?

    Link to fit2fat miliatary body fat calculator: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/
  • Bearb2532
    Bearb2532 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank You, thank you!! I coulden't get it on my smartphone, had to wait till I am actually home on a desktop!! But I got it, thanks :flowerforyou: