Shy to Work out in Public?



  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    I'm the opposite, used to be really shy about it, now I don't really care. Although I do still prefer to use the cardio machines in the "cinema room" at my gym-- it has a movie theatre size screen and they play movies constantly throughout the day... makes me a little less self-conscious because the room is fairly dark and everyone is staring at the screen.

    wow, I'm impressed by your gym! I'd do 2 hrs of cardio to watch a good movie :)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Hands up here!

    When I was smaller, well when I was fit and originally lost my weight, enough to not need to use the gym to actually lose the weight I would go and not care, when I started gaining the weight I purchased a cross trainer for at home and stuck to working out at home instead. I hate feeling judged, I will rarely eat out in public either.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i am but i suck it up and do it anyway...and you know what? no one has said anything. people wave or nod as i jog past, but they dont act like its half as strange as i feel doing it :)
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    I'm the opposite, used to be really shy about it, now I don't really care. Although I do still prefer to use the cardio machines in the "cinema room" at my gym-- it has a movie theatre size screen and they play movies constantly throughout the day... makes me a little less self-conscious because the room is fairly dark and everyone is staring at the screen.

    wow, I'm impressed by your gym! I'd do 2 hrs of cardio to watch a good movie :)

    I know, I loooooove my gym. I'm so spoiled, if I ever have to leave and join another gym I'm going to be all, "What do you mean you don't have a movie theatre?!?"
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I WAS shy, but not any more.

    Although some days I read MFP forums and think maybe I should care, because it sounds like there are people who judge, but I'm over that. :P

    Now the only place I'm shy about working out is in the weights section of the gym when it's full of 20yr old buff boys.... they scare me.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    This is the honest truth! The more I go to the gym to workout, the more I realize and see that everyone has their own limits. Even the most fit looking people are not perfect athletes. Everybody works hard and everybody sweats and everybody gets exhausted and has things they are trying to accomplish yet struggle with. So try to go and not be hung up and shy. There is plenty that you can do that the next person can't. Even as in my case for a loooonng time it meant just showing up and trying :blushing:
  • Indeed, I am! I have a gym membership and haven't used it once, because the fear of working out with strangers scares me! I am scared of the judgments they have.... I need to get over it, I know!
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    yea i wanna try the couch to 5k program, but the thought of running thru my neighborhood or a park is terrifying smh :grumble: :noway:
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    I don't really care to work out at the gym either. I do videos at home.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't work out in front of people because I work to the point of failure, and i don't want anyone to see me struggle. I don't even workout with my husband in the room. Partly though, that's because he's tried to give me unsolicited advice before, and I'm just not having it. I also don't want him to see me struggle, because he's such a gentleman and he always likes to help the lady with her heavy groceries or whatever, and I think his desire to take care of me has made me weak in more ways than one. I love him dearly, and trust him with everything I have, but I still must do my workouts alone.

    I used to go to a gym. Working out around strangers isn't as bad, because they don't give a flying *kitten* if I am huffing and puffing as long as I don't pass out. However, strangers make their own noises, smells, and weird looks, so I don't really want to be around them. The worst part of the gym was the parking lot. The second worst was the weight area where people drop stuff. I'm a scared little bunny who frightens easily. Then, we have the naked ladies in the locker room... and potential fungus.... ugh. No thanks.

    I will work out alone, at home, where I have a giant stash of clean clothes, a private shower, and PEACE AND QUIET.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Yes, I'm extremely shy and have never stepped foot in any gym. I am envious of those who are so confident they don't care what others I work out at home, I have my Power 90 DVDs, my stepper, my exercise bike and my weight bench.. I'm good :)
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    I've always been uncomfortable around people, I hate going grocery shopping because there are other people in the stores, NO way i'm joining a gym...I won't even work out until my husband goes to work after 8pm (night job) and I tend to skip workouts on his weekends unless he's sleeping lol. Not that I'm shy with him or anything, I just don't want to work out in front of anyone, at all. Might change when i'm more comfortable with myself...but I think i'd probably get anxiety going to a gym even if I was thin.

    * not to mention the nearest gym is 45 minutes away in Tallahassee, I'll keep my workouts to my private living room.
  • sunnidazefl
    sunnidazefl Posts: 5 Member
    I use to feel this way until I became attached at the hip to my Ipod. I turn that sucker up so loud I worry more about the ringing in my ears then the people around me haha. I tend to go to the gym extremely early or really late. Less of a crowd.
  • 1234IWORKOUT5678
    I love seeing people running outside no matter what shape they are in. It motivates me and I never judge them. I am always thinking "You Go!"
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I was very self conscioous about working out in public but one day I realized I wasn't doing myself any good. And someone told me that no one was paying attention to me, and you know what that is mostly right. I have thrown myself into the gym, and am there twice a day now (30 mins at lunch, 1 hour - 1.5 hours after work) and I LOVE it. There is great support from the staff and some of the other members too.

    Don't worry about who might be looking at you, it is time you worry about you. Just do it and you may find you LOVE it, I do.
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Oh im horribly shy and self concious like i look like an *kitten* or something lol!! I would go jogging at night and when people drove past i stopped lol...dont know what my problem is! Heaven forbid somebody see me try and better myself! Would love to join a gym but i know ill feel so uncomfortable for a bit till i know im doing everythung right!!! I workout in my basement and even if my kids come down stairs i have to stop!mi dint know why, but i do wish i didnt give a crap!! :sad:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    It does suck! They need gyms for shy people... and all the shy people could go and be shy together... and then they wouldn't go because they're too shy to be seen there even if they're surrounded by other shy people. Oh my head.
    weird i'm shy but i'm not at all shy working out. I actually feel more at ease in the gym than in other places.
    and btw probably no one is looking at you...unless you're hot then all the guys will be oogling you
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    yes i am pretty shy, and avoid the gym for that reason. i have now joined the Y and run on the treadmill and dont care what anyone thinks, im still lapping everyone on the couch and at least i am trying. I sometimes do get a feeling like i hope no one is watching me, but feel good after.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I don't even like my husband around when I'm working out I'm so self conscious about it. I'm getting over myself a little bit, but it's hard.
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    I am super shy, and I have never stepped foot in a gym before. I'm SO lucky to have an in-home gym (that also doubles as a pantry and storage area). I have machines, weights, medicine/balance balls, and all my Wii fitness games. I'm still investing in more workout equipment. I'd rather spend hundreds of dollars than $15 a month at a public gym. It's THAT bad.