Need some motivation..

I need to snap out of this funk. Next week is spring break finally! then its 5 more weeks till I am out of school! Its just so hard to find "workout/me" time in the middle of a full time demanding job, 6 college classes, and marriage!! If anyone feels the same out there please let me know what you do to put in workout time and not eat to seek comfort.


  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    Are you able to workout out before you start your day? That seems to keep me on track and I don't have to worry about things coming up later that would get in the way. If not, what about talking to your husband about having him help out with some things you normally do when you get home so you can workout during that time?

    Sometimes it's just a matter of finding a way to make the time. It's not always easy but the results are worth it!

    Follow my FB Fitness Page!
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Fulltime job plus tons of overtime and 3 daughters here! Testify sister! Just make it happen. Stairs, carry around gallon milk jugs, workout dvd's, whatever it takes! One night I couldn't get to the gym and walked up and down the stairs at home 60 times! You can do it!
  • 223730
    223730 Posts: 55
    I have four more weeks of school! YAY US!!

    Anyhow, I work full time 1st shift, have two kids, married to a great guy who is also a full time student, and he works 2nd shift. Needless to say, life is B U S Y !!! I talk the kids in a stroller and walk each evening. I ONLY take the stairs at work - work on the 4th floor - 2 flights of stairs per floor. Usually my day includes at least 48 flights of stairs, minimum! I would love to go to the gym, but it's not just something I can fit into my life at the moment without sacrificing something I am not willing to sacrifice. So make it work for you! After work walks, during work exercise - like stairs or a walk on lunch, early morning workouts, dvd workouts (I have P90x to start after I finish school!) can do it!
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    oh BOY do I understand.. 1 full time business and 1 part time. Family, House, 3 Saint Bernards and My Mother in hospital. I have forgotten what sleep is...
  • pabocat
    pabocat Posts: 10
    Try to sneak some walking in,10 min here and there add up.I walk at breaks and at lunch.I try to park so i have to walk a bit,and I try to take the stairs.Hope this helps.Good luck.You can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • yarn_nerd
    yarn_nerd Posts: 26
    I can totally relate. I also work full time, go to school, and just got married a few months ago. I find I have to schedule my runs. I was doing them first thing in the morning (6 sm), because let's face it... there isn't going to be anything else that "just comes up" at 6 am in the morning. I found I was more consistent with my routine. BUT, now that daylight savings time has kicked in, it's still dark at 6 am so I've been forced to squeeze my runs in after work and on the weekend which has been more difficult. Once it is light at in the mornings I'll return to my morning routine but for now I schedule my afterwork run just as if it were an appointment.

    Can't wait for it be light enough in the mornings again:D
  • sophearvyphe
    I have 4 children, just got done with nursing school... since I had classes in the morning. I always went to workout at night. I tried to do it before I went home because once you are home, you will never want to leave. A lot of my friends and co workers who are in your situation too, go and workout during their lunch time. Also if you dont have time to workout that day, I wore weights around my ankles that day and walked to classes, etc. It helped a lot to still be active. I also made sure to pack a healthy salad and smoothie for the day to stay on track.
  • sophearvyphe
    Oh and park the furthest you can when you go places. It will keep you active as well.
  • vz11
    vz11 Posts: 58
    Its good to see im not alone! i am so tired all the time so i just need to get it done like you all say. Definitely going to park further and the ankle weights are a great idea! my job is pretty sedetary but I can do it. I think i just need to revamp my schedule too! Thanks this is very motivating! :happy: