I'm new and I've lost my self esteem



  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Hey, good news, I found it. I wondered where all this self esteem came from.

    I tell you what. This self esteem is pretty valuable, so I am not going to give it all back at once...Actually I am going to help you earn interest on it and you will have more than you started with. Here is the deal.....

    Every day you eat right and exercise, I will give you a little back. As you reach your mini goals of weight, fitness, and well being, I will give you a bigger chunk back. You will see the interest it earns with me will give you more and more for each goal.....

    However, the final price will be, when you have all that self esteem, you are probably going to have to help others with theirs....

    I hope that isn't too expensive for you. Because I am sure you can do it. :)
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    I feel exactly the same way as you do. I have very low self esteem, but I want it back and I am gonna try my darndest to get it. Feel free to add me, we can support one another:)
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    Hi Debs. I'm from Ontario too! I think we've all been where you are at one point (It's why we're here, right!?). We can do this together. Feel free to add me :)
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    Hey, good news, I found it. I wondered where all this self esteem came from.

    I tell you what. This self esteem is pretty valuable, so I am not going to give it all back at once...Actually I am going to help you earn interest on it and you will have more than you started with. Here is the deal.....

    Every day you eat right and exercise, I will give you a little back. As you reach your mini goals of weight, fitness, and well being, I will give you a bigger chunk back. You will see the interest it earns with me will give you more and more for each goal.....

    However, the final price will be, when you have all that self esteem, you are probably going to have to help others with theirs....

    I hope that isn't too expensive for you. Because I am sure you can do it. :)

    Wow. This just restored my faith in humanity a little :)
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Friends here can help you stay accountable and can give you such support too. It's easier for me to skip working out or not pay as much attention to what I eat when no one is following.

    Add me if you want.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Hey Debs, I'm new here too - just joined up yesterday!

    I am finding the whole idea of having signed up already having an affect on my habits - no random snacking for me today!

    I hope that your self esteem starts to return now that you are doing something for yourself, and that as you see results that will also help.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Hi....my name is Debs, I live in Ontario. I've just join after a colleague told me about this site.

    I'm not feeling good about myself and I hate looking in a mirror, I don't even want to show my picture.
    I'm hoping this site will be the help I've been searching for, I like the idea of tracking food and exercise. I'm also enjoying reading the many messages posted so far, I'm getting a good feeling about this. Fitness Pal, I'm counting on you.....

    Hi Debs, I hate the mirror too and my pic is from nearly 7 years ago, when I got married and thought I was fat, I've only been with MFP for a week and a half and love it, the support is AMAZING. Feel free to add me if you like. You already took the first step, one foot in front of the other =)
  • ashleywright144
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. You can never have too much support.
  • jeffica5091
    jeffica5091 Posts: 21 Member
    hello debs I believe everyone has lost there self esteem at one time or another it is just how to get it back I have been there and can relate please feel free to add me. I have only been here a short time and everyone is so kind
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hey Debs! Nice to meet you. First thing you gotta do is lose the attitude and replace it with a good one. Now love yourself and tell yourself you are worth it. Right out loud! Add me as a friend if you wish! We are all here to help and believe in you. So believe in yourself!
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    Your going to get your sef esteem back! You have came to the right place for support. You just have to tell everyone what you need and you will have plenty of friends to help out! Everyone has a journey on here and we all have needed help and encouragement at some point. You WILL succeed!

    Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Hey, good news, I found it. I wondered where all this self esteem came from.

    I tell you what. This self esteem is pretty valuable, so I am not going to give it all back at once...Actually I am going to help you earn interest on it and you will have more than you started with. Here is the deal.....

    Every day you eat right and exercise, I will give you a little back. As you reach your mini goals of weight, fitness, and well being, I will give you a bigger chunk back. You will see the interest it earns with me will give you more and more for each goal.....

    However, the final price will be, when you have all that self esteem, you are probably going to have to help others with theirs....

    I hope that isn't too expensive for you. Because I am sure you can do it. :)
    love this!
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I am a christian woman and all my advice will be with the Goal of glorifing God. If you think that sounds like someone you would like on your cheer team you are more then welcome to add me.
  • MsWilder818
    Welcome...we can help each other...add me
  • nzgirl21
    nzgirl21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, good news, I found it. I wondered where all this self esteem came from.

    I tell you what. This self esteem is pretty valuable, so I am not going to give it all back at once...Actually I am going to help you earn interest on it and you will have more than you started with. Here is the deal.....

    Every day you eat right and exercise, I will give you a little back. As you reach your mini goals of weight, fitness, and well being, I will give you a bigger chunk back. You will see the interest it earns with me will give you more and more for each goal.....

    However, the final price will be, when you have all that self esteem, you are probably going to have to help others with theirs....

    I hope that isn't too expensive for you. Because I am sure you can do it. :)

    Wow. This just restored my faith in humanity a little :)

    Amazing words of wisdom! I will definitely be writing this down on my motivation wall! :)
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I think it's great you're getting so many nice replies. I hope you find good friends here, and you can add me if you want: I'm vegetarian, and think your name means you're vegan. I am happy to have whatever kind of nice people would like to be friends.
  • shannoncuth
    Welcome i am also new at this it is day two... we can do this together i live in alberta:smile::smile:
  • iolano
    iolano Posts: 20
    You got this!!!

    I just re-joined... let's just say a year ago I had lost 15 pounds and it's creeped back up.

    Feel free to add me. We can be in this together!
  • wender125
    wender125 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Debs! I'm in Ontario too! You've definitely come to the right place! I've never dieted in my life, never took note of what I'd been eating. Almost 3 months on here, and living healthy has become SO easy!!!

    My self-esteem is coming back in spades. A more confident me is more attractive to my hubby too. And is helping me to be a better mom!

    Feel free to add me!

    w ;)
  • wolfefan
    wolfefan Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I"m pretty new too... feel free to add me if you wish. Today has been a bad day so far but it's not too late to get back in control I know what you mean about the mirror too!