"Cheat Days"



  • ictowns
    ictowns Posts: 1
    Before I started using MFP and I was working out with a trainer, instead of a full cheat day, he allowed to me have cheat hours. One day a week, he wanted me to eat whatever I wanted, how much ever I wanted from the time I woke up until 2pm and then it was back to normal. This actually worked out great for me although even though I had until 2pm, after I pigged out for breakfast, I didn't want anything else to eat until after 2pm (I ate breakfast late on my cheat day...@ 10am), so it really only worked out to a cheat meal once a week.
  • I have a cheat day once a month.. the curious thing about it is that I gain like 5 lb... (its all water weight btw).. the very next day I'll go backt o my normal routine and by the next week I'll lose the 5 lb I gained plus 2-3 lb more... so having a cheat day for me.. works amazingly well..
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    I don't have cheat days, but at the end of each night I have one serving of Cadbury mini eggs. I know that if I cut out candy all together I would cheat. So 12 mini eggs are put into MFP first thing in the morning so that I always have the calories for them!

    In the past I probably had cheat days, but with my thyroid and celiac restrictions, there isn't much I can "cheat" with!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Haven't had one yet...too chicken, oh but soooo WANT one though! I just can't decide what I'd like to have, need to make it an event if I'm going to do it....sorry chips, or candy ain't gonna do it, maybe cake and ice cream though :love: Either that or a real splurge at a resturaunt! Olive Garden maybe (but I STILL won't eat the salad!) I better quit..........
  • I eat what I want in moderation. I also feel like spike days are good (for me) to keep my metabolism on its toes - but on those days I don't even get near 2000 calories (my daily is set at around 1370). The key is to not beat yourself up over it - enjoy it when you have it and then I find that you don't want it for a while. Everything is different from person to person. Just find out what works for you.
  • I definitely believe in cheat days. I mean, come on, once you've reached your weight loss goal I'm sure you'll have days where there are sweets available, somebody in your family might make brownies or have fast food for dinner, and sometimes you just can't avoid it. I think as long as you try not to have a million cheat days, maybe like once a week you can allow yourself to go over your calorie limit by 100 or so, or you could have take out for dinner once every couple of weeks? As most people say, everything in moderation!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I have a cheat day once a month.. the curious thing about it is that I gain like 5 lb... (its all water weight btw).. the very next day I'll go backt o my normal routine and by the next week I'll lose the 5 lb I gained plus 2-3 lb more... so having a cheat day for me.. works amazingly well..

    Now THAT is encouraging!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Depends what your cheating with. Once you start eating crap ( sugar & fat) you don't want to stop....you keep thinking about it, or eating it. I gave it all up with no cheat days. I only eat clean....I can't say I will for ever, but I want to be thin, and there is only one way for me to do it. I have never felt better.
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    I underestimate my activity level and exercise, and overestimate portions.

    Then I give myself leeway within my deficit. If I really want an evening snack, I get it, no guilt.

    If I cheat big time, I log it, and then I have to wait for that spike to move off of my Nutrition bar graph. (A terrible punishment, I know!)
  • hnguthrie
    hnguthrie Posts: 6 Member
    Some people do better by having an indulgence now and then. They can have that candy bar on Saturday and ease their pain until next week. I am not one of those people. I am thoroughly incapable of eating just one sweet. If I start, I will eat at least half the package in one sitting. The last time I had a weekend getaway and ate junk for a couple of days, it took me over a month to stop craving sugary, processed food. I'm better off avoiding it, or else it gets me in trouble. For some people, it's salty or fried food. If can have a cheat day and get easily back on track the next day, by all means. However, if you can't, don't even open that can of worms.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    never not once
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I drink on the weekend. I feel a little guilty about it, but you gotta have something right? I do make sure I come in under my weekly net calories still though, but I would probably be better off not drinking and having the calories spread over the week more evenly.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I have a cheat meal/day on Saturdays, but I still keep myself in check. Most days I still wont go over my calories, but if I do I've built up enough of a deficit to make up for it. I think it's nice to have something to look forward to. I don't binge out on McDonalds and I'm still not eating processed food or soda but for instance this weekend I'm going to make fetuccini alfredo with shrimp and I'll probably have some kind of dessert.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Actually I just remembered I made a yummy slice which has far to many cals so I have been having stuff I shouldn't be for days haha, I have been fitting it into my calories though, so feel guilty but not to guilty.
  • I have Cheat Days for types of food, but not portions. For example, this past Friday I went to a Happy Hour and the movies. I split a burger basket with someone (whereas in the past, that would have been all for me!) and bought a small popcorn (no soda, no candy, no extra butter) at the theater. It was AWESOME! It felt like such an indulgence, but when I calculated my cals, I was really only over by 400 or so (I've heard of people blowing their entire daily intake on one cheat meal).

    For me, I am trying to be realistic about my food relationship journey. And the reality is, I will go to parties, restaurants, fast food places, etc. What I need to start balancing is how and what I eat there. I think using Cheat Days to figure that out is ultimately best for you in the long run b/c its realistic about how you'll relate to food.
  • colobon
    colobon Posts: 49 Member
    I call them "off plan" days - cheat has such a negative connotation. I generally go off plan on weekends. I know it slows my weight loss but for now I'm able to absorb it. I also think if you go over your goal by a couple hundred calories once in a while that's not really so bad. Keep in mind your calorie goal is already a deficit. If my goal has a negative 700 built in and I go over by 200, I'm still at a 500 calorie deficit. And the "over" days are usually balanced by some "under" days. I eat for real life with a close eye on the scale.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    I eat and drink whatever I want on weekends!
  • I think it's okay once a week - and especially if you've earned it by being good during the week.

    Also, keeping your cheat item (for me its a beverage) limited to ONE - (so one ice cream bar or one hamburger or one drink) makes it more special and I tend to savor it vs binging out.

    I'm new here.
    my blog is...http://packerfan1970.blogspot.com/p/weight-lossfitness.html
  • Jules221
    Jules221 Posts: 69 Member
    I take 1 day a week usually to cheat. I figure it is my way of staying more true to my diet by allowing myself to eat whatever I want that 1 day.
  • I still log any cheat meals to keep myself accountable.

    My problem is going out for dinner, I try to pick healthier choices and make sure I've exercised that day.

    Any time I know I have a full on cheat day planned (wedding, birthday, event) and I know I can't control what I eat and I'll be drinking alcohol I will make sure I have a really good week in calories and exercise.

    I think a cheat 'day' every week is a bit excessive!