anyone struggle with obligated eating??? i.e. food someone e

I seem to often find myself in situations where someone has prepared something for me to eat (unexpectedly) and I am totally obliged to eat it out of politeness! does anyone else run into this problem or have a solution? I'm starting to think I should just reduce my calorie intake to make room for such "surprises"...


  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Yes, most definitely. We don't want to hurt their feelings for offend them ~sigh~
    But if ya think about it... telling them no thank you with a short explanation, I bet they'd understand and not be hurt or offended.
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    Co-worker peer pressure is the worst.

    Random Co-Worker: I made <whatever fattening dessert they thought of this week>. Would you like some?
    Me: Not today thanks.
    Random Co-Worker: Really? How about just a small piece?
    Me: No really its ok.
    Random Co-Worker: Oh ok <makes horrible face like you just killed their childhood pet>
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Oh yeah... bet we all do... The hardest is the family member who is CONVINCED you are STARVING YOURSELF
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    STARVING YOURSELF and insists on you eating a 7 course meal... good down home comfort food... :-)
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    my mother in law cooks and by the time i reach home everything is done... so i have to eat if you were indian daughter in law you'd know how lucky i am... i eat what i get.. and control portions...
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    People in my office bring in 600cal muffins every few days! Now if I am going to use 600 calories on junk id rather have mcdonalds fries or pizza ... a triple chocolate muffin is not my ideal junk! They bring biscuits too.

    and if I say no thanks not now etc etc they take it out of the packaging and put it infront of my keyboard ... then ask when I am going to eat it .. yes I might be fat but it doesnt mean I eat chocolate muffins all day every day id much rather eat fried egg or fried mushroom or fries or even icecream nom
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    yep. My most recent experience was serving myself some frozen yogurt and the person I was with said that amount was 'pitiful.' I stuck with it though and enjoyed every last bit of that 100mls.

    Some people seem to delight in subtly making you eat more. 'Oh, there's one potato you want it? it will go in the bin otherwise, and I so hate to waste food, but I'm stuffed to the gills'

    Or they ask 'did you want coffee?" you say yes..with 'skinny milk' ..and they still get a full fat one..because they 'forgot.'

    And the people who also refuse to understand that WATER is perfectly fine for me. I don't want a beer, or soft drink, coffee or even 'freshly squeezed' orange juice. But its the look on their face when I say, 'no thanks, I'm fine' that really gets to me.
  • megannicolex33
    I have a problem with this in two different ways. First of all, my mom really likes buying sweets. I buy most of my own groceries, but when sweet things are in the kitchen, it's a problem for me since I have the biggest sweet tooth ever (I must have gotten that from her). There's always ice cream in the freezer and honey buns and oreos and... all kinds of stuff. It's so hard for me to resist! If she ever offers them to me, I'm honest and say I can't eat it because of all the calories, and I think she gets offended. But she knows I'm serious about losing weight so she'll have to get over it. I'm not trying to make her feel bad, I just can't eat like that every day and expect to lose weight.

    The other thing is that I work at a hotel and every single day at 6:00, we bake cookies. Delicious, gourmet cookies by Otis Spunkmeyer. Chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin... oh my. I have to actually bake these myself! The kitchens ends up smelling AMAZING. I then have to watch all the hotel guests eating them and saying "mmm, these cookies are delicious". Ugh. Sometimes I have to leave room in my calories for the day just so I can have a cookie. It's torture!

    I guess I didn't really answer your question, but I know how you feel. I think it's best to either make sure you leave a little bit of room in your daily calories, or just politely decline these treats people offer you. They should be understanding, and even if not, they'll get over it haha.
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    I agree with the coffee thing, I ask for black now as I dont like cream and thats what I got given in my coffee a few times! And dairy causes me issues so when I ask for a black coffee with milk and I get a latte im not happy, a smidge of milk I can cope with and its fine a full pint of milk however is not!

    And water ... why is it so hard for people to accept that I like water and id rather have water than anythign else? My local pubs offer free tap water with ice so what do I drink? But my OH will buy me a bottled water rather than ask for a free drink haha
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    All the time!
    I gained a couple of pounds on my weekend trip interstate a few months ago because my family friends kept making buffet-style dinners/lunches etc and not taking no for an answer when I tried to decline them.

    But when I;m home, it's a fair bit easier to say no. my uni friends have a running joke about me never eating the junk at parties lol.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I am dreading this right now. I will be going to visit my mom soon and her favorite thing to do is cook for me and the family. She always makes me cherry cheesecake for my birthday, she was a cook professionally so the food is so decadent. I dont want to hurt her feelings cause I am trying to eat as much raw as possible.
  • Hopelessbird
    I seem to often find myself in situations where someone has prepared something for me to eat (unexpectedly) and I am totally obliged to eat it out of politeness! does anyone else run into this problem or have a solution? I'm starting to think I should just reduce my calorie intake to make room for such "surprises"...

    Yes, I travel for work sometimes. So I have to eat out with clients or colleagues. I am up right now at 3 am to workout for 3 hours to compensate for 4 days of yucky eating.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    People bake and bring different foods into my work all the time. But I've never felt *obliged* to eat anything. I've made my own food at families houses and even brought entire meals to eat at parties where I know there won't be anything healthy, or would put me way over for the day.

    I'm doing this for me, so I stick to my guns and whatever anyone else thinks is their own thing. The first few times folks may think its odd or inquire about what you're doing, but after that point it just becomes the norm and no one really cares. Just had a work offsite lunch this week and have another next week. I just check the menu in advance and find something that will work in my calories/macros for the day. No one else at the table cares what I order.

    I do splurge, or have cheat meals here and there, but they're on my schedule and by my own accord, never out of guilt or pressure from anyone else.