
I dont currently have a scale.

I am debating to get one or not...

Any advice??


  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Don't do it! lol. Scales are not your friends! My advice would be to use a tape measure and clothes size.
  • hinzmand
    hinzmand Posts: 8
    You can use a scale to monitor your weight. If your weight trends up, you need to cut calories.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Well, getting a good reading of your weight once a week or so is pretty important to track your progress. That and make sure it really is progress (with measurements and weight, you can more accurately estimate % of body fat, and track if you lose some of that or only muscle in your diet/work outs).

    So if you have another way to get your weight once a week, like at the gym, then save the cash (and the temptation to get on the scale more than you should anyway :p )
  • puppycloud
    I was debating myself a long time about getting a scale or not, I ended up getting a cheap basic one. It is frustrating when I don't loose for a week, or when my weight fluctuates 2 - 4 pounds up and down, so I've ended up looking at the weightloss graph here on mfp to see my overall weightloss rather than rely on the scale every day.
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    Dont, if you need to weigh yourseld once a week, go to your nearest pharmacy to do it, its free. I almost broke mine the other day, it refuses to move but i lost weight because my clothes fit so much better, I got discouraged so i hid it from myself. And i wint take it out anytime soon.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Get one, but get a good one that shows body fat percentage as well as water percentage. Also, if you end up getting in the habit of weighing daily as I do, make sure you wont let fluctuations and sodium bother you! Write everything down :)

    Because I weigh daily with my scale, I can see if my extra sodium intake or strength session caused water retention. Not only in pounds gained, but a higher water percentage actually shows up on my scale :D Its not perfect, but seriously goes from 49% water typically to 50% or more when retaining water.

    I love my scale. :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I couldn't diet without my scale or my tape measure ... if one "lies" to me the other normally tells me what I want to hear :)

    last weight in I never lost anything but my tape measure told me I had lost inches ., another time my belly was swollen but my scales showed a drop

    id say get a scale but don't obsess about the numbers, they do and will fluctuate but as long as the over all trend is down your loosing weight :)
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