44lb down!

allana3uk Posts: 28 Member
I've been struggling with my weight for years (long-term corticosteroids and general gluttony) and in October '11 I found myself at 285lb and beginning to get worried about my health prospects. My dad had just died and we discovered that he had undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes which had caused complications and I suddenly realised that I was heading in the same direction. Something had to be done.

I've been a low-fat, wholegrains kind of girl for years and came to the realisation that this was getting me nowhere except hungrier and fatter. The only thing I hadn't tried was Atkins so I decided to give that a whirl for a couple of weeks and I had a little bit of success and loved the freedom to eat cheese with wild and reckless abandon, but, I missed colourful veggies. So I did a bit of research and then remembered that years ago a friend had done this weird thing called "primal" and had lost loads of weight while still eating just about every fruit and veg and utterly delicious-sounding meals. At the time I thought she was crazy like a fish for giving up grains and legumes, but I'd survived for 2 weeks without pasta etc, so obviously it wasn't impossible for me to give up grains!! I read Mark's Daily Apple avidly and then plunged in.

Here's me at my biggest. We were at a wedding and I thought I looked pretty.


And here's me today (5 months later), down 44lb (3st 2)


(If anyone is curious, I'm 5' 4".)

I have 96lb to go and I'm excited to see what sort of body I'm going to uncover. My husband thinks I'm crazy as I get so excited every time I discover a bone peeking out or a line appearing in a muscle :)


  • your story is really touching, I can't imagine having to lose someone in order for a health reality check to creep in. I'm sorry about your dad, but happy you are on the right track! congrats to you for taking your health back!!!!
  • allana3uk
    allana3uk Posts: 28 Member
    your story is really touching, but I can't see your pics b/c they are too large. Either way seeing them or not, congrats to you for taking your health back!!!!

    Thank-you!! I just resized them. I didn't realise they were too big until it was too late :)
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    You did look pretty back then, but look at you now, hot mumma!! Well done and keep going!! :heart:
  • shine87
    shine87 Posts: 3
    Hi goodmorning... READ ur post..good job, ur looking great and overall in better health. Hope u stay excited...I'm going for my goal of 51 by summer. Ur story is inspiring :)
  • jwilliams124
    jwilliams124 Posts: 2 Member
    WOW you look amazing! That is truely a great accomplishment! 44lbs! Thank you for sharing!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    You look great!! Keep up the good work!!
  • genablue
    genablue Posts: 52 Member
    you were beautiful in the first picture, you just look happier in the second and more beautiful....great job!
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    U go, Girl!
  • sallyann123
    sallyann123 Posts: 36 Member
    wow! amazing! did u do this while still on the corticosteroid?
  • allana3uk
    allana3uk Posts: 28 Member
    wow! amazing! did u do this while still on the corticosteroid?

    Yeah... still taking the horrid things. I'm on 15mg of prednisolone/day.

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments, everyone!!
  • You look amazing!! Keep it up!
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    Amazing job...keep up the great work! :o)
  • shelley2shane
    shelley2shane Posts: 31 Member
    Awesome job!! I need to lose alot of weight and love seeing these stories..
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    Just lovely! Thanks for sharing.
  • sallyann123
    sallyann123 Posts: 36 Member
    so do you feel its still possible on steroids you just need to work harder for results? I felt like i was fighting an impossible war which only led to failure. I was eating within my 1200 cal limit with very minimum exercise. That could have been the problem but I lost motivation due to the meds.............i need to go back on them but i was so upset i went off! i wld feel more comfortable to go bak on the steroids if i knew it was possible to lose and that i wont be stuck being fat:(
  • allana3uk
    allana3uk Posts: 28 Member
    so do you feel its still possible on steroids you just need to work harder for results? I felt like i was fighting an impossible war which only led to failure. I was eating within my 1200 cal limit with very minimum exercise. That could have been the problem but I lost motivation due to the meds.............i need to go back on them but i was so upset i went off! i wld feel more comfortable to go bak on the steroids if i knew it was possible to lose and that i wont be stuck being fat:(

    Hi Sally Ann. I think it very much depends on what steroid dose you're on and what sort of diet you choose. I'm still taking a low-ish dose of prednisolone (15mg) and managing to lose with a lower carb primal diet. I aim for about 70g of carbs a day and have cut out processed foods, grains and legumes. (Still trying to cut out Splenda, but my sweet tooth isn't quite as sweet as it used to be.) A low-carb diet won't suit everyone but after years of being starving hungry on low-fat diets while taking steroids... it's been brilliant for me. Good luck!
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