Starting Out

This is my second day on the program. So far I am focusing on calorie count because balancing that and the other stuff such as protein, carbs etc is still difficult but I try to do my best on them. Did anyone else start out focusing on calories and still lose weight???How strict were you on balancing all the other stuff?


  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Very smart approach, sometime trying to focus on everything in the beginning can be tough, and turn u off, so doing that way will work. Give it a few weeks and then start looking over the rest, as long as your making healthier choices you will be getting healthier. Feel free to add me for motivation.
  • You are going to do wonderful, i have been signed up for a long time but have just made a committment to myself to get back into shape for my wedding in a year. i am trying the same approach to do just the calories first. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Ease into, the most important part is getting into the habit of tracking.
    That being said, you might want to focus on just one macro and calories.
    If you are consistently high on carbs and low on protein, just focusing on
    getting your protein will likely lower your carbs also.
  • TobyTimmyNala
    TobyTimmyNala Posts: 40 Member
    I just watch calories for now and its working. I find that trying to track all of the other stuff makes it too complicated for me. If I only have to track one thing consistently then I'm more likely to stick to it and it won't seem like such a hassle.

    My boyfriend will say that has XX grams of fat! and I'm like well its XX calories so we're good!
  • Today is day five for me and from what I can see many people on here are making great progress. This site and app feel so perfect to make a change in my life and I can honestly say, I cant wait to see what happens in 6 months. Congratulations to everyone who decide to take control of their life and make changes for the better. Good luck everyone.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    I'm doing the same in being new on here like yourself, mainly focusing on calories then in a few weeks will start focusing more on the breakdown. I also signed up for a grocery store day field trip conducted by my health club. This will help me shop smarter and learn more about labels and ingredients.
  • ntysin
    ntysin Posts: 1
    yes i focus on calories because if you see how many calories are in the stuff your eating you are more likely to find an alternative. Especially when you are "limited" to a certain amount of calories a day. when i followed the calorie intake i was losing wieght, when i exercised i lost more. i feel off the wagon but have gotten back on. stay focus!
  • blvaal
    blvaal Posts: 3
    this is my fifth day on the program as well. the first two days i only tracked my calories but i noticed i was very low in my calcium intake. im still in my teens so i decided it is probably most wise to track my calcium with my calories, so i dont end up as a hunchback when im older. this program is working out really well for me and i even work at a pizza place :D
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member
    I joined MFP March 5th 2012 but have been dieting for a year now and my focus has always been calories...I am perfectly healthy so says my Dr so I guess it has worked for me.

    I wish you have made a wise choice taking control!