Abstaining from alcohol.



  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    I haven’t made a conscious decision to stop drinking alcohol since beginning my weight loss. I don’t drink often though.
    -I don’t give myself regular ‘cheat’ days though, I just try to stay at my calorie goal for the day. So if I know I’m going to be visiting friends, going to a wedding/bachelorette party, birthday, or some event I know I’ll be drinking at I don’t limit myself due to calories…LOL I limit myself b/c I hate being hungover. So I just drink whatever I want, knowing that once that event is over, it’s going to be another few months before I’ll be doing it again.

    Other than that, I do enjoy a glass of wine/bottle of beer every now and then when I get home. And I have some beers in the fridge that have…..300 calories in them. =O But, I love beer and if I know that that’s a beer I’d like to try I just be sure to input that in my Diary first thing in the morning and eat accordingly for the rest of the day. Or I live with being a couple hundred calories over my goal once in a while.
  • I still have the occasional mixed drink. I don't usually plan for it, so just try to make up for the calories the next few days by adding extra exercise. It all seems to even out in the long run. I've never gained weight due to it. It's harder in the summer though, with all the barbeques and campfires. For some reason when other people are drinking, they need for you to drink also or they view you as unsociable. go figure.
  • I liked sweet drinks sooooo many empty calories with this. I stopped cold and I noticed a difference. You can casually drink but the mixed drinks will get to you. Small steps!
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone, and thanks for all of the replies. Really useful advice. I guess its not just about the weight but its also about it potentially becoming a problem as I, like many drink for stress relief and the potential of a stress free life is unrealistic. As a lot of you have said It's also the poor choices you make when you've had a drink. Chocolate and then ring out for a pizza. Friends can make it so difficult also. If you say you don't want a drink they list all of the reasons you should have one and make you feel like you've just insulted them. But to me its all part of the bigger picture and part of the same problem. Feeling the pull to drink to me is the same as the pull to eat badly so I feel I can't address one without the other. Not to mention the fact that with the money I save on not drinking I could use for a gym membership. And the time I spend being hungover I could spend in the gym. I'm gonna try for no weekday drinking and moderation during the weekend. Thanks again for the support. I had forgotten how much of a difference it makes. :flowerforyou:
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I'm back on the weight loss fitness bus again after a brief detour and wondered if anyone has stopped drinking as part of their weight loss goal. If so has it helped or hindered and was it easy to do?

    Thanks in advance.

    I haven't been drinking since counting calories. I have not sworn off alcohol - I just haven't had a drink. I'd rather use the calories some other way.

    It hasn't been hard for me. If I want a drink, I will have one.

    Pretty much the same for me. Just don't want the empty calories. I like beer....mmmmmm....bbeerrrrr, but it's not worth the empty calories.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump, will read later
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    I haven't quit drinking, I just make sure it fits within my calorie budget these days.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I love my wine so wouldn't want to give it up - for me I'd rather have a glass of wine as a treat than any food ;) I've now limited it to weekends though, and it has definitely helped me keep the calories down, and my belly is flatter than it was.

    Definitely agree with this... I have been trying to reduce my alcohol to see whether it makes a difference but it really doesnt seem to have mattered so im happy to have a glass of wine a few nights a week instead of an after dinner snack. :smile:
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    I went from 4 nights a week, to once a month...found it very easy...If only i could give up the dreaded nicotine as easy..
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    lets face it why do we drink? eases any body pain,socializing,a little relaxing buzz. Same with food it comforts our zone. I don't buy it at home but go out 2 days a week and social drink. i find if I have to pay more money out, I drink less. I always figure it in my calories that day as a snack. So far, its worked. I like Sambuca on ice with a bud light wash down and of course, water. (High maintence) It tends to get me where I want to be quicker so I don't drink as much. I used to, believe me but as one person said on here the older I get the more I am not into the "Party" scene but socialize, laugh a little, play some Keno, thats my only relaxation I have and look forward to it every week. I have learned "EVERYTHING IN MODERATION":drinker: