Scale Worshipers

I am a scale worshiper. :love: It hit me this morning while I was arguing with myself about getting on the scale or not as I'm trying to only weigh in one day a week (Wednesday) and today isn't that day. I live and die by the scale. It is the cause of my greatest joy and greatest sadness. Triumph and tragedy are defined by the scale. And today I took it to the next level. I've lost 43 lbs since Jan 1 and gained back 35 lbs. Why did I do the math? Because I worship the scale. Like the rubber space aliens in Toy Story who worship "the claw", for me "the scale". I've even been tempted when I'm out shopping and I see a scale on display, to weigh in.

In my head I get it. I am losing weight (or at least not gaining). I have lost and continue to tone so measurements are going down. I wear smaller clothes regardless of weighing a bit more. I'm in better health. But none of that matters if the "scale" isn't happy.

So what to do about it? Complain? Check! :happy: Sometimes it helps just to write it out. Thanks for listening.


  • duetwithjosh
    I think it's harder for us who have been larger/obese to let go of the number on the scale -- it defined our fitness level before, and we want it to define it now. I've slowly come to the realization that the lucky people who don't have weight issues aren't like that... they define their fitness level by their strength, endurance, and the mirror. I'm trying to transition toward the latter, but it's definitely hard!

    Congratulations on all of your progress so far. Keep it up :)
  • kissesfromkrista
    One of my good friends is a scale worshipper, and I literally had to take the scale from her so she would stop weighing herself constantly! And she literally had anxiety from me doing so!

    It's fine if you want to step on the scale and see how much you weigh. But know beforehand what you're getting yourself to. You aren't going to see a big day-to-day difference, which might be discouraging.

    Try rewarding yourself for not stepping on the scale for 2 days. Buy yourself a shirt, or get a facial or massage, or whatever else you like to do!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I didn't TRULY realize that I had a problem with weighing myself often until 1. a very petite friend of mine indicated the only time she gets weighed is when she goes for her annual physical and 2. my boyfriend bought himself a scale and would weigh himself every hour and only in his erratic behavior could I give myself a gut check and face my obsession.

    I went to New Orleans for vacation a couple weeks back and about four days before then till just this past Wednesday I did not weigh myself and while I was preparing myself for any kind of number when I stepped on it was just about what I expected.
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    I have the same obsession....I love love love my scale I weigh every time I am in the bathroom BUT I also love love love love (please note one more love!) my measuring tape! Combining the two helps me see past the scales, sometimes. I get really down if I know I have done a lot of strength training because the scales tend to jump up but feel better if I measure myself and see where its going.
  • wongleweed
    wongleweed Posts: 35 Member
    I am obsessed by the scale - its a demon that taunts me! I find myself on it everytime I walk passed it - which is constantly! Not funny to see how my weight fluctuates by as much as 1kg throughout the course of 1 day!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Easy solution.................................throw the damn thing out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The svale is like the friend you have that is sweet to you but try to sleep with your boyfriend behind you back.

    Only tool I use is a mesuring tape. It's the only one that can really tell me that I am getting fatter or not
  • Chrisborro
    I worship it before bed and when i wake up. I enjoy seeing the difference in those 2 numbers
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    as long as I'm still 200 something, it defines me, unfortunately. I try not to let it, and usually can keep a positive attitude about it without a problem. But YESTERDAY, I knew I ate WAY too much b/c the scale went up .02 (that's it) so what do I do? eat more and make it go up again, isn't that crazy? I know:tongue:
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh everyday, it makes me happy and keeps me motivated, even if the number goes up a little it motivates me, Im down 21.6lbs and it feels great, and weighing myself makes me feel great! So why not, its not hurting anything unless you are getting depressed over it.
  • rebecca0101
    I love my scale because it actually shows me some loss but hate my measuring tape because it never shows any loss. But I also hate my scale because every morning right before I step on it I can tell what number it is going to say. Odd I know. But It has shown me more loss than the tape so it can't be to bad! Right?
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I'm the same boat. I can't even wait until after my morning "potty break" to weigh myself in the morning. I know that I won't have a "movement" until about 9 or 10 a.m., but I will still weigh myself first thing in the morning, then again after. Absurd, I know.

    But I've lost 17 lbs and I'm so excited I just can't wait for the next "high" of seeing a few ounces loss. I'm a junkie!!!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Easy solution.................................throw the damn thing out.
    ^^ This

    This is exactly what I told my wife this morning!!
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    Easy solution.................................throw the damn thing out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^^^ Agree. Easier said than done, however. Especially after years of scale worshiping. I'm happy to report I threw out my scale on March 13th, 2012 & have not stepped on a single scale since with zero plans or desire to do so. It was like a HUGE weight was lifted from me & I feel the most FREE than I ever have before. I've learned to trust myself and what I'm doing & have seen amazing results physically & mentally. That's more important than a number on the scale for me :smile:
  • BetrayedBeauty
    I know how obsessive I am about my scale. When the batteries died, I burst into tears and didn't calm down until I replaced them (within minutes of course.) but then again, I weigh myself EVERY time I am in the bathroom. It's calming in a way.

    ~I also have severe OCD..~

    I have the weight fluctuations memorized, so seeing it go up or down slightly doesn't bother me, and honestly, I don't pay attention to any number but the one from when I first wake up and log onto here :D I'm working on easing up on it, but it's still pretty hard to manage, like trading one obsession for another almost. :frown:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I used to be addicted to my scale! My mood for the day was dictated by the number I saw. I weighed morning and evening - every day - seven days a week. When I started MFP, I asked my husband to hide the scale and only bring it out once a week for my official weigh-in. That worked so well that eventually I decided to try a monthly weigh-in. That was even better! Now the scale is back out in the open and I only step on it every 4-6 weeks. I do measure my waist/hips once a week and can always tell if I've gained/lost by the fit of my clothes. I have definitely liberated myself from the scale. :-)
  • rcillo219
    rcillo219 Posts: 76 Member
    I think it's harder for us who have been larger/obese to let go of the number on the scale -- it defined our fitness level before, and we want it to define it now. I've slowly come to the realization that the lucky people who don't have weight issues aren't like that... they define their fitness level by their strength, endurance, and the mirror. I'm trying to transition toward the latter, but it's definitely hard!

    Congratulations on all of your progress so far. Keep it up :)

    Agreed! I finally noticed today actually that although the scale hasnt changed much for me in the past two weeks, my pants have! They literally almost fell right off! To me that meant more then the scale number. Keep up the hard work you'll do great :flowerforyou:
  • 5ladybugs
    5ladybugs Posts: 135 Member
    I weigh myself once a day, every morning. It is getting extremely frustrated. I lose a pound and then gain 2, down 1, up 1. I don't understand how people can just lose. Why the fluctuations?
    My measuring tape and moved on my hips, THAT'S IT! What's up with that!
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    im obsessed with number. i have controll issues. i have a huge history with the scale. im down to once a day, but when i was at my worst i was weighing in over 50 times a day. if the needle moved so much as a 100th of mm id flip and run do exercise anything. ( i suffered from anorexia and secondary exercise depenndancy). now im once a day. but seriously obsessed with it. i have a fridge chart and record what it says each morning. if its TOM i circle my result so i dont flip out from a gain. i find that in a way it keeps me on track to keep healthy.

    some people hardly ever use the scales. i dont think it matter as long as youre being sensible. :)
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    I know how u feel especially when scale doesn't show the number I want it's changes my whole mood for the day : ( like today I gained 1lb and I'm very USPET especially when I'm eating right and working out like crazy so frustrating at times but it's not gonna stop me from reaching my ultimate goal