Really upset

I have been trying to loose weight since last summer and since then Ive gained more. I had been really good with using MFP and logging things I eat. I thought my problem was I wasn't burning enough calories working out so I bumped that up and I weighed myself this morning (brand new scale I bought a couple days ago) and it says Ive gained 3 pounds.

Should I stick with just logging my food intake and at the end of the day put in what I did for exercise that way I know Im only eating 1200 calories? I really need some advice encouragement


  • Ghewlett
    Ghewlett Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, it could just be the'd be amazed at the difference between scales.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You can't get an accurate measurement of loss when you use two different scales.

    There are so many reasons why you might not be losing?

    How many calories are you eating?
    How are you measuring those?
    How many calories are you exercising?
    How are you measuring those?
    How many calories are you netting?
    What does that translate to in regards to weight loss per week?
    Do you know what your BMR is?
    Do you know what your TDEE?