What I've learned During My Weight Loss Journey

I posted this on my wall, but thought it might help more people than just those on my friends list.

I've been at this weight loss thing for two years and this is the biggest thing I've learned, and what I feel is the key to my success so far.

It’s easy to keep pushing forward when the scale is dropping and your pants are getting bigger, but what makes u successful is being able to keep pushing hard when things aren’t going good. I’ll be honest, there will be days and weeks when that scale won’t move, hell there will be days when those numbers go up. You'll have off days, cheat meals, and just plain bad days, but quitting isn’t the answer. What do u accomplish from quitting, lower self esteem, worse health, more stress, u know what, I don’t want that. I know it’s hard to bust your butt for a week, step on the scale and see you've gained 2 lbs, but weight isn’t everything. Try to remember that the end goal is to get healthy, sure losing weight is great, but being healthy is more important, and working out even with no weight loss is making you healthier.

So keep your head up, even during those difficult times. In the end the goal is your health, not some stupid number.

Hope this helps anyone that may be having an off day today :)


  • candypie1
    candypie1 Posts: 1 Member
    you are exactly right...and this is exactly what i needed to hear today!!!
  • wolfehound22
    Glad I could help :)
  • Libbyjh
    Libbyjh Posts: 3
    you are exactly right...and this is exactly what i needed to hear today!!!

    This!!! Thank-you!
  • tgmshierry
    tgmshierry Posts: 83 Member
    Another winner!!! You are just so awesome!!

    Thank you for being such an inspiration!!
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Amazing journey. Thanks for the uplift!
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    Great post. I think that idea is one of the biggest things motivating me!
  • sla456
    sla456 Posts: 21
    Very good point!! Thanks I needed to hear that this week : )
  • wolfehound22
    Thanks for the kind words guys
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thankyou x