PCOS Weigh loss

Hi i'm new here,

Ive been trying to loose weight for to long and finally after piling on four stone in 2 years am dedicated to changing it!!

The only problem is i have PCOS which makes it really difficult to shift weight, just wondered if anyone else has it or is interested in trying a new diet or has had success loosing weight with PCOS i would LOVE to hear from you? xx



  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    Hi and welcome! I had what my doctor called "pre-PCOS" meaning a LOT of the symptoms were there, but my hormone levels weren't quite elevated enough to call it full-blown PCOS. He told me that if I were to drop 10% of my body weight (I was 200 lbs at the time) that the symptoms would probably go away on their own. I was able to do this (slowly) through eating better and exercising a LOT, and he was right- I am now back to normal, even though I'm still overweight (continuing to work on this!).

    The point is: with PCOS you do have to work harder to lose the weight initially, and it is TOUGH. But! Persevere! Once you lose that 10% body weight or so, it gets easier because your body evens out and you have a lot more energy and stamina if you've been exercising vigorously.
  • karireev
    karireev Posts: 1
    I too have PCOS and struggle with losing weight. About a year ago I started working out everyday and eating healthier and lost about 20 lbs but then fell back into old habits. I'm trying to get back on the healthy bandwagon I was on and it is a struggle, because I tried just dieting first and wasn't seeing many results so I went back to exercising too. I joined this website a couple of weeks ago and it has helped with keeping myself accountable.

    One thing my doctor advised me to do is to get more fiber into my diet and reduce my carb intake from the processed carbs to more whole grains.
    This is a website that I've gone to before that has been helpful:
  • I have had PCOS for 8 years. I decided to do something about it last year and went to the gym religiously for months and dropped 50lbs. I was still a big girl. I got bored with that and had nothing to keep me accountable and stopped going to the gym and put the weight back on plus some. I moved home a few months ago and have had the support of my best friend Kari who posted above me. We can keep each other accountable and excercise together. This website has also helped alot.
    Pcos doesn't really affect me much right now. I am living a single life so I am not worried about kids and the lack of periods is kind of nice but I know its damaging my body so that is why I am doing something about it.