The boyfriend recently came into money for a side project at work ^_^

So he tells me "Any toy you want under $500...all yours."
Turns out metal DDR pads aren't really a thing anymore, so that's out. (boooooo)
DDR machines are far more than $500 and hard to find.

SO! Are there any treadmills or ellipticals out there under $500 that'd be worth the money??

Keep in mind that I'd be using it fairly casually...Jogging while catching up on some tv or watching a little something on Netflix or listening to some music.
I'm not going to start training for marathons or anything, here. I'm not looking for anything fancy, anything with a great hrm on it, or anything 'top of the line' per se.

I'm like something sturdy, trustworthy brand, not too bulky, with an incline ....

Maybe Im asking a lot, but reviews I see on Amazon for EVERY are all 5 stars with a 1 star here and there so it's really hard to judge.


  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I got a metal DDR pad for about $200 a few years ago on eBay. Works for ps2 (possibly 3, I haven't tried), Gamecube, Wii and I think its got a USB connector, so possibly a computer. Check eBay, you should be able to find one if that's what you want.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I found ones for that price, some even with the bar on em....
    for w/e reason he doesnt want the Champion "brand".
    Even though that's currently the only real one around that has good reviews.

    I'm still going to try and convince him to get that, but I figure a treadmill/elliptical (if there's any in a good price range worth getting) would be just as well off