What was your "lightbulb moment"?



  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh I think it was when I was at work, and myself and another co-worker have both been at our job for like 12 years.....so she said....OMG back in the day this girl here was smoking hot! you should have seen her......:huh: okay.....I mean I never thought I was smokin' hot...first off, but I didn't think I'd have to have her tell people they should have seen me when either...ya know....lmbo

    I think I've had a lot of lightbulb moments....that one was one of the shallower ones....but still hurt just as bad ya know LOL

    I think the real one THIS time was just wanting or knowing I have to be in the best health of my life to be around as long as I can for my sweet son!

    here's to all of us being smokin' hot soon....and to live long, healthy lives!
    Ali :drinker:
  • mrshamm
    mrshamm Posts: 62
    Mine was when I was carrying my son into the store, by time I got into the store I was out of breath, I was so embrassed that I couldn't walk that far with my son. Thats when I knew I had to do something.
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    umm ignored scale sneaking up . . dumped boyfriend. .. had thoughts of "who'd want to date butterball me looking like this" . . . blah blah

    the "lightbulb" moment was went i said something to my doctor at a routinue check-up about how maybe i ought to start working on this whole weight thing and he looked back at my chart, showed my my high school weight and told me he'd see me back in 9 months @ <120 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was the kick i needed, signed up for mfp that day!:happy:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    All that was very interesting,
    its strange from reading all this stuff from you guys i'm feel like i'm starting to know you all !

    my lightbull moment ,, i didnt have one, it all came gradualy, for a couple years now i knew i had to do something, i though i was eating healthy, being vegetarian and all. but everybody was telling me that i should loose weight and i hate being told what to do, and that meant admiting i was obese.

    In the mealwhile i had a couple of insidents, like my 8yo niece asked me if i was pregnant, yikes
    and then she said that i was not allowed on her trampoline, because i would break it, while its ok for the rest of the family to go on it (all at once !!) , and at her disney vacation, i was not allowed to sit with her in the dumbo elephant because she said we wouldnt fit, i had to sit in my own dumbo :sad:

    so i decided that as a new year resolution i would start exercising (no diet !!), so i did, then a couple weeks later while reading about calories online found this website and the rest is history. It all kinda sneaked up on me. once i saw that i lost a couple pounds i was hooked.

    even by boyfriend cant believe it, i can hardly believe it myself :smile:
    cheers to good life !!! :drinker: (thats unsweetned apple juice)
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    My lightbulb moment took a couple of months to finally say now is the time. I was going to a diet centre, trying desperately to lose weight and I was on a plateau for almost 6 months after losing only 20 lbs. They wanted to lower my amount of food and have me take more and more supplements and I realized that this was more of a diet and not a lifestyle change. So I left, didn't care that I lost money and started trying not to be afraid of food anymore.

    I wanted my health so I signed up with a personal trainer in January. Boy does she work me hard. But I still am not seeing any results (although I am able to do a lot more now than I could when I first started). But the biggest lightbulb was when I was trying to find a t- shirt that would fit me without showing every bump and lump to go to the gym. I wash and rewash the same 2 t shirts every week as I am am refusing to buy anymore "big girl shirts". I have many "thin"shirts left over from days gone by, so I am looking forward to fitting into them.

    I have only been here for a week, and am very happy with my pound and half lost last week.
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    cheers to good life !!! :drinker: (thats unsweetned apple juice)

    LMAO!!!!!! Unsweetened apple juice! LOL!! We're outta control! :laugh:
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    My lightbulb moment , well , I am a small women (4ft.11in.) with a small frame , and a short waist line. Most of my life I have weighed in a range of 95 to 110 being my highest weight. But in 2000 I began to slowly go past that 110 and just tried to ignore. By the time the year 2004 rolled around I was all of 145 lbs! During the summer of that year I became ill and that continued on through until aboout March of 2005 , at which time I had lost alot of weight and was down to 85 lbs. I did not like that either. SO... never really having to DIET any time in my life I just went back to the same old eating habits( being that I was no longer ill) and in the year 2008 here I sat at 125lbs. right on my way back up again. :sad: Miserable!!! I carry what seems like 90% of my weight in my belly , and look like an apple on a stick ! I have minor stomach problems , I am uncomfortable most all the time, ect...ect... I was really at a loss as to what to do ( as dumb as that might seem ! ).............Until a friend of mine stopped by last month whom I had not seen since christmas. Boy did she look good. She shared with me that she had dicovered this site MFP! THAT was my lightbulb moment!!!!!!! I logged on that day ! I love this site.:heart:
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    My "lightbulb moment" came when I was playing on the computer and just wanted to see what my BMI was.....I was absolutely mortified that I was JUST under the OBESE range. ME?? Obese???? I was skinny all my life until I hit 40, and have slowly crept up in weight over the past 10 yrs. I would go clothes shopping and come home depressed and disgusted with myself because everything looked horrid on me. I was tired of not liking me, and even though my husband was always supportive and wonderful, I knew I wanted to look and feel a whole lot better than I felt at that moment.

    So...My Fitness Pal to the rescue! I lost 18 pounds in about 3 months, have kept it off for 4 months now, and feel FABULOUS! ....... and getting in to single-digit sizes sure makes shopping more fun!
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    My lightbulb moment occurred at Victoria's Secret right after Thanksgiving. My best friend got the cutest bra from there and it made her boobs look amazing, I was so jealous. I decided that I would finally spend some decent money on a good bra and went there just knowing that I would come out feeling good. Nope.....instead I walked out of there in tears cause all the bras I tried on gave me cleavage on my back, yep the dreaded back fat.:grumble: It was then that I realized that my delusions of having only gained a few pounds were just that.....delusions. Several days later after I quit crying I made the decision that I would lose the extra pounds and also reward myself by having a boob job. I had been living with only 1/2 of my left boob for 9 years and since I was a AA before losing part of it there wasn't much left. Well, now after being on this site since January I am proud to say that I have lost 18 pounds, had the boob job (which produced cleavage in the front), couldn't work out for 4 weeks and still managed to not gain. Yep, I'm tootin my own horn but I am proud!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I gained weight after my FIL was diagnosed with cancer and then passed away...I was stressed and started to stress eat...
    I still didn't think I looked *that bad* or anything....but I did know I wanted to lose weight.
    The *lightbulb* moment came at Wal*Mart though! lol
    I was coming out of the washroom and ran in to my cousin and she hadn't seen me in ages...eyed me up and down and said, "Are you expecting again?"


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO was NOT expecting again! Unless I was going to give birth to 20 lbs of fat!
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    My first moment was when I stepped on the scale and saw 199. One pound from being 200. I realized it was time to stop messing around and get down to business. My health lightbulb went off when my boyfriend and I went to this thing called Bodies Revealed. It shows the human body and how it all works together. Healthy and unhealthy organs. I decided I wanted my organs to be healthy :smile:

    :heart: Kels
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    My health lightbulb went off when my boyfriend and I went to this thing called Bodies Revealed. It shows the human body and how it all works together. Healthy and unhealthy organs. I decided I wanted my organs to be healthy :smile:

    :heart: Kels

    I saw something similar on Oprah a long time ago. She had a doctor bring in "healthy" organs. Example: the intestines and colons were flexible and pink. Then she had him bring out the "unhealthy" organs. These were rubbery, stiff, and filled with bumps and fat that shouldn't be there. They said that is what your organs would look like after years and years of a fatty diet. It definitely makes you want to change!

    I think it takes a wake-up call like that to make you realize you are harming your body, and giving it quite a challenge as you get older.
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    when i was use to weighing 110 pounds and one day i get on the scale and it says 145:sad:
  • littlebites
    Mine was looking at my two young boys running around the house, comfortable in their own skin. I wondered...why am I so miserable with my body?:cry:
  • curvylady
    curvylady Posts: 135
    I have had a few although, honestly none have kicked me into gear long term. I am 42, weigh 188, size 16-18 depending.

    My worst experience was about 7 years ago, when I was doing my job as a salesperson for newspaper advertising and I was in one local shop, waiting for the owner. A dear, elderly male friend spotted me, came up to me, rubbed his hand in a circular motion on my belly and said "how wonderful dear, when are you due!!!!".....I was absolutely devastated, made a quick reply that I was not pregnant, just FAT....he looked so embarrassed and said he was sorry and went over to his wife. I ran out of the store, bawling by the time I reached my car then when I got back to my office, cried my eyes out, sharing this awful story to my manager.

    But.....this wasn't the first time this has been said, and to be honest I did gain another 25 pounds after that in the following years. I have attempted other diets or programs and did lose those 25 pounds, putting me back to the weight I was when I saw my friend. But, now at 188 and a fairly new member of MFP, I know will get to my goal this year.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I have had a few although, honestly none have kicked me into gear long term. I am 42, weigh 188, size 16-18 depending.

    My worst experience was about 7 years ago, when I was doing my job as a salesperson for newspaper advertising and I was in one local shop, waiting for the owner. A dear, elderly male friend spotted me, came up to me, rubbed his hand in a circular motion on my belly and said "how wonderful dear, when are you due!!!!".....I was absolutely devastated, made a quick reply that I was not pregnant, just FAT....he looked so embarrassed and said he was sorry and went over to his wife. I ran out of the store, bawling by the time I reached my car then when I got back to my office, cried my eyes out, sharing this awful story to my manager.

    But.....this wasn't the first time this has been said, and to be honest I did gain another 25 pounds after that in the following years. I have attempted other diets or programs and did lose those 25 pounds, putting me back to the weight I was when I saw my friend. But, now at 188 and a fairly new member of MFP, I know will get to my goal this year.

    Oh man! Isn't that the WORST?!
    I've been on both sides of that one!
    I once asked a woman when she was due, and she wasn't pregnant but had a medical condition that makes her stomach swell like that OF a pregnant person :sad: I felt SOOO bad I could have cried!!

    Then when I was Christmas shopping someone said that to MEEEEEEEE booohoooo
    Isn't Karma a bugger?? LOL
  • littleone68
    littleone68 Posts: 67 Member
    My light bulb moment...I hadn't seen my grandmother in 4 or 5 months and my mother brought her to visit me. After she left she said to my mother " what happened to her, I didn't even recognize her". That was enough to make me realize I needed to do something, that and I couldn't cross my legs or bend over to tie my shoes.