Sugars & Carbs

HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
Hi Pals,

I am so desperately trying to manage my sugar and carb intake, as my family doctor has labeled me as a "border line diabetic". I have cut out all processed foods, canned fruit and veggies (with the exception of cheese, yogurt, stuff like that to get my protein in)....I still have a hard time staying under my target goal of 193 grams of Carbs, and 63 grams of sugar. Is this unrealistic? or am I worrying about nothing. Although I go over a bit, is it okay because they are fresh products??



  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Kiki! Can't see your diary, so I'm not sure what you're eating. I usually stay within 75g carbs and 30 g sugar quite easily. You may have to read lables carefully; you'd be surprised at what you *thought* didn't have sugar in it, actually does...... Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    193g of carbs is still a LOT.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    you need to open your diary so we can help...i have PCOS and Insulin I have to monitor carbs and sugars..and have no problem..
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I usually try to keep my carb intake under 100 grams per day.

    I have a very close friend who is also borderline (too much sugar makes her really sleepy). What we both do is to cut out any of the "white" carbs: sugar, white bread, white rice, potatoes, pasta, etc. and then limit the amount of whole grains we eat. Instead, we fill up on protein (meats, fish, etc.), low sugar fruits and veggies.

    If you're eating flavored yogurts, many of them have upwards of 25 grams of sugar. Switch to plain and add your own Stevia and fresh berries. Greek yogurt is best because it has lots of protein.

    Instead of a sandwich using two slices of bread, use a lower carb whole wheat wrap or a leaf of romaine lettuce to wrap your fillings. Cut out the carb heavy side dishes (pasta, potatoes, rice) and have a green salad instead. Just those two things, with the addition of removing all sugary foods from your diet, should help you lower your carb intake by a lot.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Fresh non-starchy veggies are lower carb. They have some carbs but with the extra fiber they are good carbs that your body doesn't absorb as quickly. Fresh fruits, particularly tropicals like bananas and mangoes, have carbs. Stick with a couple servings of lower carb fruit like berries. Watch potatoes, bread and pasta. Carefully measure your servings. Use whole grain versions of breads and pasta. There are a lot of low carb items on the market if you have enough room for them. Realize, that doesn't mean you should eat a lot of them. I saw that low carb wraps have like 15 carbs, for me, that is as much as I should eat in a meal or even more.

    I find for me, the quality of carbs make a big difference. One night, I went to Ruby Tuesday, ate fish with low carb sides. My mistake was splurging on a 13 carb biscuit made with white flour. If I had eaten 13 carbs of veggies it wouldn't have spiked me but the 13 carbs of refined flour was too much.

    Milk also has carbs so you want to watch your consumption of that. Diabetes is a science experiment. What works for me might not work for you. You will just have to keep trying different things until you figure it out. Did they give you a meter to test? If they did, use it to figure out what you should be eating.
  • navstone
    navstone Posts: 30
    did he put you on a specific ADA diet?
  • I actually keep my carbs under 120g and my sugar @ 15g. I normally dont have any troubles. If you need a guide to that look up "THE BELLY FAT CURE" It gives you an easy guide to cut back. Its the perfect thing for diabetics. It also tremendously helps with weight loss. There are plenty of videos to show prepared meals quick and easy. The authors name is JORGE CRUISE. Hope this helps.
  • rghayes1054
    rghayes1054 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kiti, If your carbs are coming from apples, pears, dates and other produce it isn't metabolized the same as sugar & honey.
    The attached site will help you determine glycemic levels of the foods you are eating. Stay with the lowest ones you can. I go over on my sugar but my blood sugar level dropped to safe levels when I cut out processed foods.
    Check your yogurt! That is one of the ones that was loading me up. I had to give it up & now use papaya or a supplement for the enzymes. index food chart&askid=ec22c598-8280-4e48-b607-0c9faa82a923-0-us_gsb&kv=sdb&dqi=glycemic+index+list&qsrc=999&o=2806&l=dir

    Stay away from soft drinks, any thing that says low fat or fat free because the use syrup to thicken it. Also don't use artificial sweeteners since they cause a spike in your natural insulin level. If you need a sweetener you can use pure stevia extract, xylatol or agave nectar.

    Good luck, I know it can be a dramatic change but it's worth it!
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Opening up your diary will definitely help us help you.
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    193 grams of Carbs, and 63 grams of sugar reads like a lot for a diabetic or border line diabetic. I limit carb intake to no more than 80/100. This is the only way I can maintain normal FBS range.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Im on a medical restriction of 100g-120g per day.

    I also am being treated for Insulin Resistance, PCOS and a metabolic disorder they just cant pinpoint a name to it... Im an overglorified guinea pig! UGH!

    I originally had a blood draw this past July 2011 for a baseline. My A1c was roughly 11.2.

    By December 2011, my A1c was 5.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got rid of all fruits except the berries (straw, blue, rasp, black)

    I totally eliminated breads, pasta, rice, corn, flours (I can have tapioca flour but in extreme limited portions)

    I never eat anything preprocessed, prepackaged or canned. I dont consume most dairy products with the exception of butter and some cheeses - but those are kept to a minumum.
    *****Everything I prepare is made fresh using fresh foods only.

    When my blood work came back, I had the PCP, the Endocrinologist and the Dermatologist all calling me the day the labs came in and were AMAZED at the significant drop in all of my readings. My total cholesterol went from 252 to 117. All from dietary modifications.

    Ive dropped alot of weight.... after about a 3.5 month plateau, this past Wednesday I had a 5.5lb loss so I know my body has done well with the adjustment.

    I plan on keeping up with this whole arrangement and I have the backing of all three physicians/surgeons.... Watching your carb intake can be done... but it does require a commitment
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Hey guys I just made my diary public!! Sorry about that!
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    So I just updated my carbs to 100g and lowered my sugar as well....this looks as if its going to be challenging, but I have to do it!! My diary is now open for view to the any help is great!! I'm pretty I can take the criticism. ;D

  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Try eating half a banana or smaller bananas. You can cut a banana in half and then cover the half you don't use (with peel still on) with plastic wrap and that will keep it from turning brown.

    A cereal you had one day had 88 grams of carbs for 1 cup??? That's a lot.

    Your yogurt has quite a bit (21g)

    Your bread has quite a bit too. 40+g for 2 slices. I buy healthy life 40 calorie bread and 2 slices has 16 carbs.

    I saw pretzels a few times. Try finding another snack to replace that.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    So I just updated my carbs to 100g and lowered my sugar as well....this looks as if its going to be challenging, but I have to do it!! My diary is now open for view to the any help is great!! I'm pretty I can take the criticism. ;D


    Whatever you do... Dont stress over the challenge of making food changes related to this. More importantly... dont let the die-hards of the Moderation police pressure you out of what you are choosing for yourself as well. They are out there... it aint pretty let me tell ya...

    You will definitely feel a slight 'change'.. you will have that achy-headed feeling probably as you adjust.. thats your body adjusting to the lack of bad carbohydrates omitted from your intake. It doesnt last long thankfully.

    Small steps as you advance will make this an easier transition for you...
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    So I just updated my carbs to 100g and lowered my sugar as well....this looks as if its going to be challenging, but I have to do it!! My diary is now open for view to the any help is great!! I'm pretty I can take the criticism. ;D


    Try make a habit of reading nutritional information. You'll be surprised at range of available low carb and low fat choices for favorite foods. I'm blessed to have been diagnosed with diabetes. I'm healthier than when I wasn't diabetic.