Inches coming off first but the scale stands still

I am exercising and eating correctly, but the weight just stands still, however, inches are coming off. I am fitting into my old jeans again, but the numbers on the scale just do not want to move,,is this normal? I do the 30 day shred, zumba and walk several miles daily. anyone else having this issue?


  • calroseangelo
    I just started using MFP and I do zumba, wii fit, and walk. My numbers are standing still right now as well. I'm guessing it's because our fat is turning to muscle? I don't know, but I have noticed a change in how my clothes are fitting! I don't really care that much about the number...I just want to feel better in my clothes and go down a few sizes. I have a few pairs of jeans I got before I had my kids that I've never worn! I have to get into those! If I lose inches and not weight, so be it. I'll be happy. I'm pretty sure our numbers will will just take time and patience! :happy:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I've gone through that stage...I think everyone does. But really, who cares about the scale if you're shrinking and feeling better? No one sees that scale but you, but everyone can see the changes in your body. The scale is just one tool (and not the best tool) to gauge your progress. Celebrate your inches lost!! Keep going, making healthier choices and challenging your body. Change will come when it comes, you can't rush it. Patience and determination WILL pay off...keep going! :flowerforyou:
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    And this is not a good thing? You are replacing body fat with muscle. As long as your waist meaurement continues to drop, don't worry about it.
  • calroseangelo
    I've gone through that stage...I think everyone does. But really, who cares about the scale if you're shrinking and feeling better? No one sees that scale but you, but everyone can see the changes in your body. The scale is just one tool (and not the best tool) to gauge your progress. Celebrate your inches lost!! Keep going, making healthier choices and challenging your body. Change will come when it comes, you can't rush it. Patience and determination WILL pay off...keep going! :flowerforyou:

    Exactly. Awesome outlook!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    people can see your jeans, they can't see your scale....enjoy the smaller you!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Yep fine....I have lost a bunch of inches but the scale moves slowly....a while ago when I had only lost about 13 or so lbs I had a lot of people complimenting me and asking how much weight I had lost...they thought I had lost 20-25 lbs....

    Measurements are the key...not so much the scale
  • HanPatty
    HanPatty Posts: 21
    This is happening to me. The scale has hardly budged yet my waist is smaller and I feel and look better. I am not going to obsess over that scale if I feel better.
  • newNRGkate
    newNRGkate Posts: 56 Member
    I am finding the same thing. I've been on mfp tracking my diet since the end of Jan this year. I am careful to stay within my net calories and within the last month have started doing zumba 3 times a week, walk a couple of times, do weights 3 times a week and even hop on the my elliptical a couple times a week all with very little movement on the scale. It is maddening to me to see the number on the scale go down slightly and then the next week up again slightly. Today I decided to look at my measurements from when I started in Jan to now and found that I have lost a total of 4 inches!!! My clothes do fit a little better but I totally did not think that I had lost that much. So I will continue to get on the scale once a week but will pay more attention to my measurements otherwise I will be totally discouraged! Really want a bikini body for summer this year so I'm gonna keep working hard :))
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you are working out a lot, your focus is on body improvement, not weight loss.

    Once you reach a level your body can handle your workout routine without needing to improve, just the fat will melt away.

    So keep feeding those workouts to improve the body!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    My scale hated me all through this last Fall and it really had me down till I remembered i had taken some pics about the time I stopped losing...took more pics and saw the difference...a month later I took more pics and saw even more difference. I dropped from a 20-18 in jeans but hadn't lost an ounce...but it stopped bothering me so much and eventually (after the 3rd month) the scale moved again.

    Pics are so important, even if you never share them with anyone else!
  • fitnessbudget
    Yeah, I hate this scale monster:grumble: who's always trying to throw you under the bus, were incidentally the sugar monster is known to have a secret hiding place!!

    If your clothes are starting to fit looser, including your workout clothes, rings on your finger, bracelets etc, then you're on the way to Skinnyville. :laugh: Also, trying on 'new' clothes in the department store - and finding out you can wear a smaller size is really the best revenge on the scale monster.

    The scale [and his cousins doubt and discouragement] may need to be put on a timeout (or slapped around) until it learns to behave properly.

    Stay strong:flowerforyou:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Same thing happening for me. I've had the opposite happen too, where the scale moves but you can't see any difference at all! That one is worse. Enjoy your smaller size and trust that what you are working towards is happening. :flowerforyou:
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Seriously if you are losing the inches then weight shouldn't be considered, like at all!

    You're probably building muscle and retaining water after you exercise... as long as it isn't fat then that's all that really matters, right?

    And yes it is normal, you're less likely to lose weight if you exercise then if you just go on a low cal calorie alone, because of the reasons stated above.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Mines the opposite! At first there were no inches, but pounds!! Now both :)
  • lena_walt
    lena_walt Posts: 17
    Thanks all for the sage advise, i really do need to toss the scale out the window and just concentrate fully on the inches lost. I love how my clothes are now fitting me when months back i could not even get in them. I guess i will continue to do what i am doing, so therefore, i must be doing someting right. Thanks again!