im hoping to make it through the c25k program



  • kidkinetik
    kidkinetik Posts: 5 Member
    Keep it up lady! C25K really does work. I know I'm repeating a bit, but it's true-if you need to, do a week twice. Don't push it. Results will come with persistence! I'm a big ole guy who'd rather play video games then basketball, but this program has me solidly on my way to 5K. If I can do it, you DEFINITELY can! :P
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Im hoping I can finish the c25k program this time around.

    Just noticed you said "hoping", going to take more than that!! Just do it!! If it takes longer to complete it, so what! Just get out there 3X's a week and hit the pavement!!! You can do this!!
  • oahugirl
    oahugirl Posts: 21 Member
    glad to hear i'm not the only one who only makes it to week 3 before throwing in the towel. I really like your idea of repeating the weeks until you are confident in them. I think i'll try that as well. Keep up the good work!
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    It's a running app/program that builds the ability to run gradually for beginners. x
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Good luck!! I just did week 2 today! And I'm going to start Week 3 tomorrow. I can't wait until I can run for 30 minutes at a time lol.Or preferably more.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    You can do this! I have asthma and a heart problem and I started c25k almost 6 weeks ago. I was really nervous about it but I just keep plugging along. I had to take a little over a week off because I got really sick with a flu bug that hit my whole house. Some days I have some pretty bad coughing attacks on my walking intervals and some days I have to hit my inhaler but so far I just keep on going-I haven't had to stop a workout yet, and I haven't had to repeat a day or week yet, either (of course week 5 scares me to death! lol!) Encouragement from others doing c25k and having runners on my friends list has helped me HUGELY with my motivation! I just finished my week 4 day 3 today and i'm moving on to week 5 on Monday! It's an amazing feeling!

    I love new friends, anyone working through c25k can feel free to add me, if they would like to. :flowerforyou:
  • yarn_nerd
    yarn_nerd Posts: 26
    Melissa, all I can say is DO IT! I started running in Sept 2010 via the C25K program. I ran my 1st 5K on 11/11/10, then ran one in 12/10, a 4.5 miler in 1/11, and another 5K in 3/11, 5/11, 7/11, 8/11, 11/11, 12/11...and well, you get the picture. Next week I'll be running my 1st half marathon. I absolutely LOVE running, and trust me, I never thought I'd ever say that! Not only have I made some amazing friends via my running group, but I've also gained an incredible amount of confidence.

    I am still 40-50 lbs from my goal weight, but running has shown me I can be FIT at any weight! And that has kept me going even when the scale is not being agreeable! My weight loss has been slow going, but I'm 40 lbs down and still working it and that is very important if I expect to reach my goals, maintain my weight, and live my life. Running is also a great coping mechanism for stress.

    "The only runs you ever regret are the ones you don't do."

    Best of luck with your C25K program. I absolutely believe you can do it!!!
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    You can do it! I got to wk3d2 and then today just kept running and didnt stop for 25minutes. musta been feeling good today but will start wk 4 properly on monday hehe. Lets all get running fit together!! :o)