Woman firefighter to be :)

Hey guys!
I'm new to this site, still trying to get the hang of things. I joined because I am taking a more serious look at my health.

I am 21 years old, female, about 5'3" and around 150 pounds. I live in the Midwest, around the general northern Illinois area. I swam competitively for 8 years, and kinda fell off the fitness bandwagon after high school. I became an NREMT-B (Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician) earlier this year. I am training to become a volunteer firefighter.

That's really the main reason I am doing this. I am a woman in a "man's" profession that less than 5% is made up of women. I'm determined to show these men that I can do whatever they can do! =) in order for me to do that, I need to seriously start concentrating on my health and strength training. We start physical training in two weeks, running with all of our gear on (which is around 75 pounds all together).

I would appreciate your support and love! My family isn't exactly gung-ho about my career choice, and I have seen some resistance in a couple of my close friends as well.


  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    hey!! add me if you would like! :) i love making new motivational friends :)

    and don't let your family get you down, you can be anything you set your mind to!! prove them wrong girl!! :)

    good luck!
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    I think what you're doing is kick *kitten*!! Good for you to want to be just as good as the men! I know this is a fitness site and I love the saying, "Strong is the new skinny". Says a lot! You can add me if you like.
  • CaptSteph502
    You can do it! :)
  • firefightinflip
    Good Luck on your journey!! I am a volunteer FF too! Add me if you want!!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    YOU GO GIRL!!!! I LOVE IT! My son been an Explorer Firefighter since he was 15yrs. old he is now 18 yrs. old & going to the Academy in February. I know the hard work you have to do. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Congrats on your accomplishments.
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP!! I think its great that you want to be a firefighter. You can add me as a friend if you like!!
  • snhatfield
    I definately know what you mean by a woman in a mans world. I'm a medic in the United States ARMY and I'm supposed to deploy within the next 6 months and I definately want to in the best shape I possibly can before I go. I'm 150 now and my goal is 125. We have about the same goals, feel free to add me!
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Good luck getting on with a department. My Dad is a retired fire chief, I grew up around the fire department. If it weren't for a disability, I would have probably went into the career myself. The pay may not be that great, but it's definetly a career that's worth the work. Add me if you want to.
  • thenest
    Kudos on being 'a woman in a "man's" profession'! I was a land surveyor for a few years and had similar issues... The first few months, I would come home and collapse into a puddle on the couch... but it gets easier... Doing what makes YOU happy is priceless!
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Lauren! I think that's great!! Feel free to add me!!
  • RcknDisturbed1
    RcknDisturbed1 Posts: 16 Member
    Aw, thank you guys! I am super excited to finish my training. Hit a slight speed bump though... I tore a tendon in my shoulder in high school, and its acting up again. Not working out as much, hoping that it will simmer down by itself without having to see the dr.
    Hmm... Guess we will find out! :) Thanks for your love and support! <3 I love hearing all your stories!!
  • BSH2622
    BSH2622 Posts: 10 Member
    DO NOT let anyone try to crush your dreams in wanting to be a FIREFIGHTER !!!! I will complete my 25th year on the dept in Aug., and i would not trade a moment of it for the world ! ! ! ! ! ! ! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Good Luck !!!!!