Back Surgery and Losing Weight?

Hi! So, I recently had back surgery and I'm trying to lose weight! I've managed to lose 20lbs since my surgery....But these last few are difficult to lose!!!!
I am still not able to do any physical therapy, let alone work out....Is anyone else in this position (or been in this position)? If so, how are you/how did you do it?!


  • bennypearls
    bennypearls Posts: 10 Member
    A few weeks ago i broke my hand and the doc didn't want me to get the cast wet at all, even by sweat, so working out was a wash for a week. When that happened, i accepted that my weight loss would be slow but i would be able to pick it up after i healed. So i hunkered down and strictly kept within MFP calories (2 lbs a wk). Nutrition and sleep will help trement.
  • paw247Pat
    paw247Pat Posts: 30
    I had a double cervical fusion 14 months ago and wore a hard collar for 3 months, night and day. Also have a 3 curve scoliosis so I've have to adjust my activity. Walk as much as you can. I do circuit training machines at the y, and started working out to my Zumba dvd yesterday in my own home, that way I can do as much or as little as my body with allow. You've done really good to loose weight in those first couple of months, pat youself on the back for a job well done! Just don't do anything if it hurts, your body is telling you its too soon yet, good luck.