My Plan for this Week :)

So here it is...I figure if I put it out there in black and white I will be more likely to stick to it. Today I finally broke through and walked over 10,000 steps!!! I didnt die and I am still here living and breathing so I figure not doing that every single day is just going to be unacceptable to me. That's my first mini goal. Further plans for this week: not weighing again until next Friday, staying under calorie goal and drinking 64 oz. of water daily...


  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    You reached your first goal! Congratulations! 10,000 steps is no joke, great job and I'm rooting for you!
  • iamnoangel
    Awesome,,,,,,,, things always seem to go better when you are prepared with a plan! Congrats on the 10.000 steps! What an accomplishement! And with your determination you will soon have met your other goals you have set out!!
  • amen025
    amen025 Posts: 6 Member
    congratulations- great job, keep it up