Calorie increase for 3 weeks now...

So I've now increased my cals for 2.5 weeks now. While I am starting to see a SMALL difference, I just feel like its moving so slow and I'm getting just a tad discouraged. Although I do have more energy, the scale hasn't moved and my clothes aren't fitting different... Yet... Should I just keep going? Or increase more? I increased them from 1200 to 1450. I am scared to increased them more because with my hectic nursing clinicals and school I can only work out 3-4 days a week.


  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    anyout out there? hehe
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Keep them at 1450 for now and put the scales away for 3 weeks. Small amounts are still amounts. I was tickled to death with my .4 lbs a week when I upped my cals. Just make sure you are eating good, sound nutritious foods.

  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Lots of other topics on this... am I eating too few calories, should I "eat back" my calories, how fast should I be losing, etc.
    Take a look at a few of the others.
    Slow is frustrating, but it's probably more likely to be something you can keep up long term.
    Are you keeping under your total for the day (on average) and eating at least 1,200 each day?
    If you can't do a full workout, can you fit in what I like to call "sneak exercise"? Use the stairs instead of the elevator, march in place while brushing your teeth, stand while talking on the phone, squeeze in your tummy while standing in line or waiting for something, walk the long way around, etc.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    It takes a few weeks to notice changes. If you arent seeing anything after 3 or 4 weeks, try adjusting it again.
  • hseofpaine
    I agree put the scale away! I'm going on wk 6 of p90x lean and i didn't see the scale change untill just about the 4th week into the program. Give your body a chance to adjust to the new routine and it will take off, trust me. It takes a bit of time but it will happen! Good Luck in your fitness journey! I
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Ok, thanks yall!! :happy: