i'm new and i need help

Hi Everyone, i'm new to this site and just started this week. i am 45 years old and more then 100 lbs overweight. I have been on this site for 5 days now and did my weekly weight in and i only lost .6 pounds. as i have told myself many times over the years, i need to get rid of these extra pounds. i go in cycles where i will work out 2 times a day to get rid of the fat but then i get burned out. i have tried every "quick fix" that is out there only to gain the weight i lost back plus some. so this time i want to do it right!
i know this will take alot of work as the weight did not just happen overnight. but i can tell you i'm already losing faith with less then a pound lost for my first 5 days. i hear alot about the more weight you have to loose the faster it comes off. but i don't see that happening at all. i am looking for friends to help get me through this and keep me motivated. any tips? my calorie plan calls from 1320 cals a day and that is without exercise. i have been getting back to working out slowly about 3 times a week and i want to increase that to 5 days. but i did notice the cal for the exercise on this site seem really high. for example when i'm on the bike the bike says i burned 100 calories but this site says it was 277 calories. i am afraid to add in my exercise calories to my daily total because they seem way off. after years of dieting i am to the point where if i don't change now i know i never will. I need all the help i can get. please help me.


  • clairerose11
    clairerose11 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi hun, this is my first week and I lost 4lb. Are you sure you have your daily activity level set correctly? Can I ask how much you currently weigh? I started at 207lb and have a calorie allowance of 1320 (working to ratio of 2lb a week)... So question number one, are you eating enough?

    Number 2, with the calories given for exercise, if you feel they are too high (some sites are) and you feel that your daily activity level is right, perhaps just eat half of your cals earned through exercise?

    Calorie counting is really dieting basics, if you have things set correctly then you cannot fail to lose weight if you stick to it.

    x x
  • Hi! Losing weight can be frustrating. I have often tethered between doing low carb (not no carb, but low carbs) to get the weight off. If you are exercising then the weight falls off faster with low-carb. its a hard lifestyle change, but it helps. Once I get about 10 pounds off, I go back to counting calories. Counting calories is a lower process, but it's healthier than omitting carbs. I would track your exercise on my fitness pal. use this as motivation tool. I would stop looking at it as deleting calories you have consumed and start looking at it *kitten* you exercised, thats all that matters. Heck, you are doing better than me, my exercise is being a waitress for a few hours and then sitting on my butt the rest of the night. If you need some support, I will be happy to do this with you, I too, need all the help I can get! I learned through weight watchers that i tend to stay on track if I someone to answer to. Reporting to a website helps, but having a real person, keeps you motivated. Let me know or friend request me, and I will be more than happy to help you through this journey as long as you help me :) My Best. . .
  • shella5
    shella5 Posts: 4
    i am 262.6 pounds as of this morning starting weight at 263. and i am 5'6", i also put in to lose 2 pounds a week so it gave me 320 calories a day. i know i am not eating enough calories according to the site ( 1 day i went over - yikes). and every day when i tell it i am finished with my food the site says i'm not eating enough. but i have it in my head that the less calories i eat the more i will lose - which i am quessing is my main problem. everything you read or hear is less calories and move more. i am so afraid that if i eat more calories i will gain more weight. and i need to get out of that mode. at one point i was eating less then 1000 calories a day and lost 60 pounds but then the weight loss stopped so i seen a dietition and they said you need to eat 1800 cals a day ( at that point i was working out 2 hours a day) and so i added more calories and i gained 63 pounds!
    so should i just stick with my 1320 cals and not add in my exersice? or only add what the machine at the gym tells me i burned instead of what the site says i burned?
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Stick to your 1300 calories. Eating less will not make you loose faster. Also try tracking your sodium you can customize it so you can see that too. I watch mine and try to stay 1000mg under because the salt shaker and I have a love affair. Also make sure you are getting in your 8 to 10 glasses of water, help your body flush out the bad. I do mean water too or home brewed tea not soda and juices. I cut out my beverage calories to give me actual food calories if I am going to take in 120 calories I want to feel it so I want a apple a banana or a rice cake not a glass of juice. It is a slow and steady, there is no quick fix. I also experimented with what foods seemed to be my problem foods. I learned I can not eat pasta but can eat a sandwich. It is all about what works for you, You can do it!!!!!!!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    1300 seems WAY too low. Check your settings. And this is going to take some hard work and dedication or it's not gonna happen!!!!! . Walking may be better exercise than riding the bike....?
  • cookie1148
    cookie1148 Posts: 13 Member
    I try not to add in the calories I burn thru exercise. I just stick with eating the basic calories. For me that's not much because of my age, 63. I try to eat heart healthy and exercise 5-6 days/wk. Try to drink more water and stay away from the salt shaker. I joined this sight a long time ago but only recently got serious about using it and I love it. Good luck.
  • I started 5 days ago also.
    I use a heart rate monitor to help me get into the proper zone for my age as well as to tell me how many cals I burn. (It seems quite accurate so far).
    You may need to check with your doctor also. If you continue to have difficulty losing.
  • kilime50
    kilime50 Posts: 37
    I am 50. I have been on here for almost two weeks now and I am starting to realize that I may be staying below my calorie count most days but the type of calories I am taking in are not helping me... too much refined sugars and not enough protein or vegetables. I love the fact that I can log my intake on here. It gives me a much clearer picture of what I can change.. maybe this is something you can look at.
    Feel free to add me.
  • tigerbabe2
    tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
    Reading all the comments u all are fabulous :p I have been on a diet since Jan. and lost 3 lbs but gained it back. I suffer from iBS and bloating. W/O bloating my waist is a 38, now is 44 :noway: I swear my metabolism is broken after menopause. I think it's awesome u lost weight, any lbs lost is a plus. Slow n steady like the Tortoise :p When I do my food chart 4 the day, it says I'm eating too few calories. I'm not a big eater, but love my cakes n cookies. Have been cutting down though. Would appreciate any advice n support also, feel free 2 add me. Good luck, do not give up, be strong and lean on others.
  • clairerose11
    clairerose11 Posts: 95 Member
    1320 is way too low hun, I am on that and weigh 60lb less than you....
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Shella, I've been using MFP since Jan 9th and can honestly say it's the best thing I've ever used to lose weight. I also have a long way to go and I'm allowed 1200 cals a day which I always use plus exercise cals which I use for healthy extras such as fruit and yogurt. Be careful to use weighing scales for your portions and measuring spoons. If you still can't lose weight I would suggest printing off your diary and taking it along to your doctor. I have an underactive thyroid and know how much this can effect my weight so it's always worth looking at. Anyway if you would like any help please add me, I can always do with extra motivation. Good luck with your weighloss journey. Stick with it and you'll get where you want x
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    I started at 1,200 calories, just a few below your starting daily goal. I could tell I wasn't eating enough (headaches and slight moody-ness) and the first week I lost little to nothing. I bumped up my activity level from the lowest to moderate (even though if I'm not exercising I'm sitting at a desk all day), ate more calories because of it, and lost a ton more weight. After the second week I bought a food scale with a measuring cup so I can be accurate with what I put onto MFP. Sometimes I'll eat my exercise calories (because it IS better for you), but sometimes I don't. If I'm not hungry I won't eat.
  • Chigger56
    Chigger56 Posts: 105
    Hi!! I would be glad to add you as a friend!! Don't give up!! This site is awesome and there is a lot of supprt here.
  • You need to stick with it!! You can do this! I am 43 years old and have always had to watch my weight because I am short. Exercise is the key as well. it helps with you mood and is so liberating! hang in there and do not give up. You deserve this for you. here are a few exercise programs that really work. Couch to 5 K and Firm in 30.
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    I know it can be frustrating when you see a small loss, however, it is a loss. Trust me, there will even be weeks where you see a slight gain. Try not to let it get to you. The most important thing is to stick with it. We all go through those times when we feel like giving up. When that happens, make sure you surround yourself with positive and encouraging people. They will be there to help you through the tough times and they will be the first to praise you for your accomplishments!

    Good luck with your journey.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    For sure don't give up. Log what you eat, don't cheat and try not to add exercise calories especially if they are light workouts. Give it 2 or 3 weeks. By then you should have enough data on how much you are eating vs. wieght lost and then adjust if you need to.
  • Cortkirk
    Cortkirk Posts: 2
    This is my second go around on this site. My first time i was only one for 11 weeks and i dropped 22 pounds. I stopped because it was so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. The reason I started again I started again is because I am in a weigh loss challenge at work. I have just finished my first week and I lost 5 pounds. This site really works. I would like to support each other on our weight loss journey. I believe support is the key. Please add me as a friend.
  • shellrocker12
    shellrocker12 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't give up! I am fairly new here as well. I am attempting to find the correct calorie intake as well, I'm guessing it is a trail and error at the moment. And remember, ( as I know you already know) the excess weight we are carrying didn't happen over night or even in just a month's period of time. To do this weight loss succesfully, we've got to eat & exercise correctly. Don't beat yourself up for having a weak moment or not losing as much as you'd like to see in a weeks period of time. ( I'm reminding myself of this A Lot!! )
    Stay strong, and you are more then welcome to add me as a friend.
  • jenlee_74
    jenlee_74 Posts: 29
    You can add me if you like! I don't have many pals here yet.
    Change one little thing at a time and let time pass.....I'm narrowing down on having lost 50 lbs and it took a year! I cut sweets first and didn't notice much difference. The Huge change came for me when I cut the fat from my diet- and I mean nearly everything- absolutely no fried foods, no full fat dairy products, no nuts, avocados, oils, dressings, and only lean meats.
    There is no quick fix. Change one little thing at a time and results will come, I promise.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Hey, the key is patience. Quick fixes never stick. You have to stay dedicated and mentally strong because you will hit plateaus along your journey. Do it the healthy way - lots of hard work and adjust the diet to eat healthier - and you will reap the rewards in time.
    It took my 18 months to get where I wanted but once you get there your body has been trained to burn fuel and fat more efficiently. Now I monitor calories to make sure I am going OVER my daily goal so I can build more muscle and strength. You can do this. There are a LOT of helpful people on this site. If you have questions or get frustrated ping one of us for advice. Believe me, more of us than you think have gone through the frustration you are feeling.
    Avoid quick fixes, train hard 3-4 days a week, eat healthy and train yourself to be mentally tough.