new here, well, no-not really.

This is my 3rd time signing up on MFP. The first time, I just lost interest because nothing was happening, i was on here for 6 months and lost 5 pounds. and it was A FIGHT to lose those 5. I deleted my account. About a year later I decided I wanted to give it another shot. I was on I think a 45 day logging in streak when another user said something completely offensive to me and me being the sensitive female that i am--that was all it took for me to give up yet again.

BUT here i am for the third time. 3rd times a charm, right? we will see. Since my last account I have gotten engaged and am planning a May 2013 wedding. Though my wedding will not be a blowout event we will have all our family and friends there, one thing (or 30) that I do not want in attendance is the extra 30ish pounds I have jiggling around on me! I have problems staying focused at the gym (yes I have a membership) and not getting bored with my workout. I also have a chronic back injury that I must keep in mind when it comes to working out. I am terrible about eating not-so-healthy foods when nobody is around.

With that being said, friends, support, & advice are much appreciated and very welcome.


  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i've never lost as much weight as i did prior to my wedding. it's a great motivator. good luck and work hard!
  • Stay strong! You will lose the weight if you never give up :) Feel free to add me.
  • bassnutter
    bassnutter Posts: 13 Member
    Just getting to the end of week 3 and already lost 13lb's, i stumbled on theis app by mistake and i'm so pleased i did it has been thbe best motivator for me, mainly because i can see what i am feeding myself and keeping a check on things....good luck 3rd time lucky i think.
  • bigmc1965
    bigmc1965 Posts: 6 Member
    Well, I'm not new here either, just back again. I hope we both have better luck this time. Think positive this time. I too have some back problems and I know that exercise can be challenging, but, hang in there. There will be tough times, no doubt, but that is just how life goes, it has ups and downs. This is an UP...Good luck and don't mind the negative comments...just delete them and find another.
  • kilime50
    kilime50 Posts: 37
    Welcome back, I have been on here for a couple of weeks and have found everyone to be very supportive. It made me laugh when I realised that MFPers call the negative people Trolls!!! The next time someone says something negative to you just picture them as they are, big feet, pot-bellies and reallllly bad hair! Then if they are on your friend list - De-friend them and talk to someone who will be supportive.
    Feel free to add me.
  • JDandBarney
    JDandBarney Posts: 4 Member
    Do not feel bad about starting over - this is probably my fourth time using MFP. But I am 100% committed this time (as it sounds you are too!) and already I've lost 8.6 pounds in three weeks! All you need is the perfect motivator, and I'd say an upcoming wedding is the best! :-) Stay positive and stay motivated and you'll see results. Even if you only lose 0.2 pounds in a week...that's still a loss and you're moving in the right direction. And as for negative comments, do not let them bring you down. I've had a few made to me and I just use it as motivation to keep going. People like that are not worth getting upset over, and definitely not worth deterring you from achieving your goals.

    Best of luck and always believe in yourself - you can do this! :-)