h2 oh noooo



  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Fortunately I do enjoy water, but now that the weather is warming up (90 here at lunchtime yesterday!!), I will also be making herbal iced tea (I like it unsweetened), my fave is Celestial Seasonings Black Cherry Berry!

    I also sometimes make what I call "spa water" because it tastes like something you'd be served at a spa: add sliced cucumber and a few fresh mint leaves to your iced water. Very refreshing on a hot day!!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    wasn't much of a water drinker until i experimented with temperature. realized i can't drink cold water in winter. hated it! i now drink about 3/4 of a gallon of water a day. all room temperature. so play around and see what you like. i found it was easier to chug water if it wasn't so cold. also, find the biggest cup you can and make it your water cup. fill it and drink. you will drink it all b/c that is what we are trained to do...finish what is in the bottle or cup, so if your cups are small, you will finish it and if your cups are big you will finish it. i have three cups that hold about two glasses of water each. and the biggest water bottle i could carry around comfortably at work. for me, water is a huge key to my weight loss. for the record, i am typing this as my wife is making homemade chocolate chip cookies, but that's another issue... good luck!
  • SophinMaine
    SophinMaine Posts: 48 Member
    According to widespread "recommendations" ( 8 glasses a day?!!) I don't drink nearly enough water either, not because I don't like it (that's all I drink) but I am never that thirsty. But I drink unsweetened coffee and tea as well, doesn't that count as hydrating liquid? ;)
  • Sevhera
    Sevhera Posts: 22
    I use a 24 oz cup or bottle - so I only fill it up 3 times sometimes I surprise myself and fill it up 4 times lol .. but the key for me is using a straw.. sounds weird but I drink a 24 oz bottle so quickly w/ straw and enjoy it.. (somehow) don't know what it is and I'm not about to analyze myself lol but it's working so i'm gonna keep it up :) - when i'm at home I also add some lemon to it..
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    Drinking it out of a straw makes all the difference for me. Less air chugged down with it. I have a 32 oz. cup I fill twice a day. I started drinking it cold because I actually enjoy it more that way, but it was harder for me to drink. Now I drink it room temp and I can drink more.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    yeah i hear drinking warm water is a biot easier than having it cold and icy
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I bought a filter for my water and now it tastes so good! I crave water instead of other types of drinks now whenever I'm thirsty and on most days I drink 12-16 cups a day. I do pee alot though...

    Also, I have a water bottle that hold's 3 cups of water so it doesn't seem like I'm drinking so much.
    I have to agree on the water filter. I don't have a filter at home but we have filtered water at work (well...on the 2nd floor we have it, the third floor still has a water fountain). It's a lot easier for me to drink water during the week than at home on the weekend.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    MIO's or something to flavor it up lol. Its hard to take down all that water but I usually buy Mio Energys. I get my water in and the extra kick in the butt to stay on that treadmill :)

    I love Mio's. I get the sweet tea and the tangy orange.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I have a 24oz bottle that I fill three times throughout the day. Since I'm also not a big fan of water, I view it as a challenge. I also set up a reward if I make the goal--a Diet Pepsi :-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So I suck at drinking enough water to keep me hydrated, any good tips on how to drink more?
    Drink whatever you want. If you'd rather drink juice, or soda, or tea, or coffee, feel free. It all hydrates you. Drink when you're thirsty, stop when you're not. Don't try and force yourself to drink some arbitrary amount, because there is no medical or health reason to drink more than you need.