Okay Ladies!!!! PMS Hunger???

How do you get through the Hunger right before that time of the month??? I want to eat everything in site?? Having trouble, any ideas??


  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I would like to know ideas on this also because this is happening to me right now! I want Kit Kats, Oreas, cookies LOL :)
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Sorry guys. I just feed it. :laugh: Otherwise, I'm in a bad mood and lethargic like you can't imagine. :noway: It's just 2-3 days. How much damage can I do in that amount of time, if I stay good the rest of the month? That's my rationality behind it anyway. Good luck with the PMS-induced cravings you guys!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I half feed it. I'll let myself have a bit of whatever I'm craving. I never go really overboard with it because I know I'll suffer for it later.
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    I get total carb cravings as well. Definitely have to feed these as i get ravenous, but i try to eat wholegrai or complex carbs as much ad possible and try to exercise a bit more those days. And yes, the scale goes up but that is also partly water weight and eventually the scale goes down again.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Sorry guys. I just feed it. :laugh: Otherwise, I'm in a bad mood and lethargic like you can't imagine. :noway: It's just 2-3 days. How much damage can I do in that amount of time, if I stay good the rest of the month? That's my rationality behind it anyway. Good luck with the PMS-induced cravings you guys!

    Same here. It's safer for everyone involved.
  • jxmom
    jxmom Posts: 28 Member
    Like someone else said I half feed it. Otherwise I'm so tired and can't keep up with my workouts.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I read on here somewhere it may be due to your body craving iron. I dont know if that is fact, but it was that posters rationalization for having dark chocolate, and I would be having it regardless. So I tend to agree.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    How do you get through the Hunger right before that time of the month??? I want to eat everything in site?? Having trouble, any ideas??

    About the week before I get that way.

    For the most part, I feed it. I make healthier choices, but if I am hungry (and I know it is real hunger) then I eat. It may be hummus and vegetables or greek yogurt though! If I want chocolate, I have a good quality piece of dark chocolate or some dark chocolate almond milk. It's not about denying yourself these things... it's about making the best overall choices.
  • imtriagain
    imtriagain Posts: 104 Member
    After reading a tip on here for a similar post recently , I've tried magnesium tablets for PMS this cycle (due in a couple of days) So far it seems to have helped. Started taking them about 9 days out.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I just got my monthly visitor today and since I took myself off the pill I wasn't sure when it was coming. I made it through this past week with no cravings for the usual stuff at all and I am wondering if it is because I was doing the Inferno plan from Turbo Fire and it has you eating so many fruits and veggies. It was a totally different way of eating for me, and different forms of protein then I usually have. So maybe if you go overboard with the fruits and veggies, it will help?
  • liftandcycle
    im about to turn into the hulk... and destroy this kitchen... im so HUNGRY :devil:
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    shoot me too . hell i had a donut and mcdonalds and i dont eat that crap alot grrrrrrr
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    My visitor is here too and I feel constantly hungry for all the wrong foods. Just sent my hubbie to the shop for a creme egg. I suppose I should have walked round myself and burned a few cals before I eat it. LOL. Oh well......
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    I'm the same way....the week before- if it isn't nailed down I'll eat it! I'm hoping I start in a few days b/c this is ridiculous! My weight hasn't budged in two days even though my eating habits haven't really changed (well ok...I had two glasses of wine instead of 1) but....I'm telling myself that by this time next week it'll all be over!
  • cherylroyle
    D'ya know I'm so glad you brought this up because until this week I thought it was just me! I did a quick survey of my friends and they said they all get it to some degree too! Don't have any great advice but I think those who said half feed it and feed it with some of the right stuff probably have the best idea.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    That describes me!!!! I have been uping my exercise calories to offset the extra calories I have been eating!
  • Pebbles536
    Pebbles536 Posts: 199
    Ok, I think the real question is why is there so many of us a the same time! LMAO!

    I try to make the healthiest, smartest choices you could possibly make, but if that doesn't work try to at least stay under food goals.
  • yandee1
    yandee1 Posts: 1
    I eat the chocolateI and cookies I want. Gained 4 pounds of fat (I got in the bod-pod and they said it doesn't lie) and now I'm tracking my food on myfitnesspal-sigh.... I was half way to my goal, so I'm trying something different this time.
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    I definitely noticed this phenomenon, not so much during PMS time but during my period... I looked back at my food diary during those days and I went way over on calories on several of them. I was definitely ravenous for carbs, sodium, sweets... I basically just fed the monster. I'll have to try to strategize a little better in April. We finally put our treadmill back down (it had been stowed away since Christmas, to make room for the tree), so at the least I can be sure to do daily walks - I am sure exercise would be an excellent idea, as I've always heard.

    As a previous poster said, I also suspect iron deficiency... I was previously diagnosed as anemic after getting lab work on the day after my period ended, so this kind of makes sense. I also have started tracking my iron because I never seem to get enough. I am all for eating dark chocolate in moderation to get some of that iron!
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I've been battling this for years, I wish I knew the answers, I usually just eat!