gaining muscle and losing weight

hello all i need your advice on losing weight. i do cardio and strength training but when i take a whey protein shake i gain alot of weight and when i stop taking the protein shake i lose weight drastically and the little muscle that i picked up goes away with it. im 5ft 9in. im at about 195 but when i take the protein i shoot up to about 210. im confused and looking for help


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    What kind of protein shakes are you taking?

    I suggest going with a whey isolate instead of the ones that have creatine/extra sugars in them.
  • monjero
    monjero Posts: 15
    i use super advanced whey protein and i am thinking of using caesin proteing over night.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Are you considering the calories of the protein powder in your calorie count? Also watch the carbs, they can make weight shoot up fast also.
  • BUMP
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    i use super advanced whey protein and i am thinking of using caesin proteing over night.

    Take the isolate version of the super advanced brand, less than 1g of sugars and 30g of protein per scoop (no added bullshi*t).
  • How is your body fat percentage changing. How is your muscle mass changing in both weight scenarios? I would definitely count the shake in your daily caloric numbers.
  • You need to get a better structure to your training programme. What are you training for, Cardiovascular Fitness or Muscle Gain? What do you want to achieve from your training programme?
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I was really worried about this when I started lifting and using the protein. I use Body Fortress and thankfully I have not had any issues. I count this as one of my snacks and only drink it on my lift days. Other days I put half a scoop in my morning coffee. It could also be that you are retaining water and not the protein.
  • monjero
    monjero Posts: 15
    thanks for all the post i do count the caloric count from the shake. as far as my structure i would like to have the 6 pack and all the muscle cuts so i can take my shirt off at the pool :)
  • Ok, how much do you have to cut down to in order to take your shirt off and feel comfortable? Whats your weight loss target?

    The reason I ask because in order to get the six pack you need to get the diet 100% right and cut down on the fat. Once you are near your goal for weight loss I would start hitting the weights hard. As you probably know, muscle is heavier than fat so you can easy get distracted by what the scales say.

    In order to gain great muscle definition (hypertrophy) you need to be hitting between 8-12 reps on each set, preferably 3 sets and making sure you are overloading yourself on the last 3 reps of each set. Get someone to spot you, you'll get far better results as you;ll be able to work harder and push more!

    TIP - Use a Powerplate for Abs!
  • monjero
    monjero Posts: 15
    my body mass says i should weigh 160-170 lbs i would prefer to be around 170 but if the cuts are there i guess i can ignore the scale.
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    Here's a story that started to change the way I think about weight and muscle:
  • Absolutely, as long as your getting the results you want it doesn't necessarily matter what the scales say.

    Keep it basic, get rid of the fat first, then start the weights toward the end of the fat loss, that way you'll get the best results.

    In terms of Protein Shakes - Watch the Calorific Content, Whey Protein is always a winner but you wont need too much, probably only about 90-111grams per day and you can get the majority of that from chicken ect.

    Chicken, rice and Broccoli is always a winner. 5 Egg Omlete is again a winner. Eat this aswell as a protein shake and you'll get fab results!

    Hope that helps. Let me know if I can help any further. Dan @ Shape123 Personal Training
  • Just to emphasize what the others are saying. don't focus on weight so much as size. Focus on building muscle and losing fat. Fat takes up more space than muscle, so if you lose 5 pounds of fat but gain 5 pounds of muscle the scale will read the same. You, however, will look a lot leaner and feel a lot better too.

    Hope that helps.
  • Absolutely, as long as your getting the results you want it doesn't necessarily matter what the scales say.

    Keep it basic, get rid of the fat first, then start the weights toward the end of the fat loss, that way you'll get the best results.

    In terms of Protein Shakes - Watch the Calorific Content, Whey Protein is always a winner but you wont need too much, probably only about 90-111grams per day and you can get the majority of that from chicken ect.

    Chicken, rice and Broccoli is always a winner. 5 Egg Omlete is again a winner. Eat this aswell as a protein shake and you'll get fab results!

    Hope that helps. Let me know if I can help any further. Dan @ Shape123 Personal Training

    Thanks for the helpful advise.