trying something new.

Hi there. I'm Kim an Rn, wife and mom to a very active 10year old boy. I have ALWAYS been a weight fluctuater and overweight most of my adult life. About 7years ago I lost a lot of weight with WW but ended up gaining it all back. Sadly I am not getting any younger and the older I get the harder it is to get the weight off. I am trying to make a final change once and for all for a healthier lifestyle.

The hardest thing is trying organize my time to fit in exercise and eating healthy and do do away with unhealthy convenience food. I could use all the support I could get and once in a while a little butt kicking.



  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    I'm there with you. Very active life w/kids and sports. Leaves little time for healthy foods so always doing fast foods. Maybe we can help each other out.
  • AngelaHackwell
    AngelaHackwell Posts: 8 Member
    That too seems to be my excuse. I have decided that it is time to get to the weight I want to be. I am 43 and the weight is harder to keep in check as I get older. I will make better food choices and manage my portions. I love to cook and my family loves to eat so we will do it together.

  • kvrnmom02
    kvrnmom02 Posts: 14
    I know what you mean. Between my pt job, and my sons school and extra activities there is so little time to cook/eat healthy meals.He has just taken up wrestling so that is another thing to work around. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf, but it is not easy. I really just want to set a good example for my son so he is not in my boat one day. Would be great to have some support, and someone in the same boat to encourage.