3 weeks - what am I doing wrong?

For the last 3 weeks, I have been working out 5 days a week. I burn between 550 to 600 calories per workout. I weight train either 1 or 2 times in the week.

As for eating, I'm 50/50 on good and bad days. My BMR is 2050. My allotted calories is 1550. With a workout I'm usually allowed to eat 2100 calories or so. On my bad days - I'm at 2500. I've had two 3000 days. I drink my water. I eat my fruits and veggies.

I know my eating could be better. But I have not lost a pound in 3 weeks. Are my bad days really causing me to be so stalemated? What's going on? I'm so frustrated.

The only thing that is giving me some positive feedback is that in my strength training I'm already increasing weights and muscle stamina.


  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    take your measurments. keep track of them by checking them once a month. your body is changing but its hard to tell. be patient and keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    For the last 3 weeks, I have been working out 5 days a week. I burn between 550 to 600 calories per workout. I weight train either 1 or 2 times in the week.

    As for eating, I'm 50/50 on good and bad days. My BMR is 2050. My allotted calories is 1550. With a workout I'm usually allowed to eat 2100 calories or so. On my bad days - I'm at 2500. I've had two 3000 days. I drink my water. I eat my fruits and veggies.

    I know my eating could be better. But I have not lost a pound in 3 weeks. Are my bad days really causing me to be so stalemated? What's going on? I'm so frustrated.

    The only thing that is giving me some positive feedback is that in my strength training I'm already increasing weights and muscle stamina.

    If all your doing is checking the scale every night, you might as well go ahead and shoot yourself in the feet now. The scale means nothing unless your tracking all the elements you mentioned earlier and taking accurate measurements of your body. The scale is going to fluctuate, regardless of whether you workout or not. Plus 3 weeks really isn't ample enough time to get any real results. Maybe some stronger feeling muscles and some soreness, thats really about it. Continue doing what your doing.
    Let your body adapt to your routine. Maybe start cutting out other "bad" foods from your regular eating habits. Take pride in the accomplishments you make in the gym; i.e. more weights, more reps, more sets, more miles...whatever. Those ARE successes. The scale means nothing, unless you factor in everything else.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I have been wondering the exact same thing and our workout patterns sound very similar. I just did a pass through the last 4 weeks and have many more good days than bad.
    I change my workout routine a lot - some days spinning, others boot camp, others elliptical or stairclimber and all very high intensity 4-5 days/week. Plus strength training 3-4x week. I have made my calorie deficit smaller to ensure my body isn't 'starving'; the days I go over I try to follow with a day of staying under to get the 'zig zag' benefit. Loads of water, especially in the last week.

    I have less than 10lbs to lose and I know the lower you go the harder it is, but I expected/hoped for more obvious changes after this kind of effort. I too am noticing a higher fitness level which is great, but would really love to notice my jeans fitting a little differently. That would be a huge motivator. I think that I have maybe lost a pound through this entire effort. That could be just timing or water.

    You aren't alone! If anyone who has made it over this plateau or through the last 10lbs has any hot tips please share!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Like heather said take measurements or even try on some pants that are two tight every couple of weeks. those are better gages. When I first started I didn't weigh for three months for this exact reason of being tied to the scale.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    By the way.... make some damn goals. I mean, if all you set yourself up for is going ot the gym 5 times a week. Then come home and expect the scale to drop tremendously after 3 weeks...thats just not reasonable or realistic. Set up some short-term goals and some long-term ones. Give yourself ample enough time to reach them. And even if you come short a few lbs, or a few inches, so what...progress is progress.

    Point being, I dont' want to read anymore "haven't seen the scale drop in 3 weeks" talk. hahaha
  • TashaT29
    TashaT29 Posts: 12
    Trust me, try not to focus on the pounds. As mentioned here, take measurements because you will see more results that way.

    It took MONTHS for me to start seeing a change in the scale even though my clothes were getting loser and I felt more energized. Finally, the pounds seem to be melting off.

    Don't give up! Throw that scale in the back of the closet and keep at it.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Don't give up! Throw that scale in the back of the closet and keep at it.

    F'n-A right.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I would think you could also safely lower the calorie intake from your BMR for now til you start losing - when you get closer - add some back.
  • herowithinyou
    you could try eating a lot of "negative calorie" foods, if you don't exactly want to lower your calorie intake like chrissyh suggested (if you're working out so hard, I know how hungry that can make you). Negative calorie foods are apparently foods that, while they have calories, take as many or more calories to digest as they give you. Or, if you're feeling really hungry, try eating a piece of bread. Not sure why, but that always helps me. Maybe that way you won't go over as much. But no matter what you do, keep working at it :) It took me a little while to see any real results.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    With as much weight as you have to lose, you should be seeing some pounds shedding. To gain a pound, you need to eat 3500 calories over your BMR. It's possible that you are evening out.

    Maybe you are eating too many calories right now. So cut down on the calories, even lower than you have them set, going no lower than 1800 net calories per day at this point, meaning, the more you exercise and burn, the more you can eat.

    Second thing that could be going on is you're burning a lot more calories than you think you are (do you have an HRM?). For larger people the amounts on the machines at the gym are about half, for smaller people they are double. So you can think you're eating plenty but with a lot of exercise you've actually put your body into starvation mode - I went thru that, got an HRM and it solved my problem.

    Third thing - there may be a medication you're taking that screws up your metabolism so that whatever you do, you'll stay put. I went thru that too. Very frustrating 4 mos for me, and like you, I was working my butt off!

    Fourth option - you have a chemical imbalance. Get some blood work done, have your thyroid checked.

    It takes about a month for your body to adjust, so don't be flipping back and forth on stuff, do one thing consistently for a month, then see what your results are. And yes, as everyone says, measure. Weigh yourself once a week at MOST, in the morning, before eating. Don't weigh yourself any other time of day.

    Since you're going over cals about 50% of the time, I would work on getting that fixed first. Once you get to the point where you are consistently eating within cals, then wait a month and see if you lose weight. If you're not, check out reason #2 and go from there.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    For the last 3 weeks, I have been working out 5 days a week. I burn between 550 to 600 calories per workout. I weight train either 1 or 2 times in the week.

    As for eating, I'm 50/50 on good and bad days. My BMR is 2050. My allotted calories is 1550. With a workout I'm usually allowed to eat 2100 calories or so. On my bad days - I'm at 2500. I've had two 3000 days. I drink my water. I eat my fruits and veggies.

    I know my eating could be better. But I have not lost a pound in 3 weeks. Are my bad days really causing me to be so stalemated? What's going on? I'm so frustrated.

    The only thing that is giving me some positive feedback is that in my strength training I'm already increasing weights and muscle stamina.

    another thing...what are your setting at as far as how many pounds per week are you set up to lose? might be to high. maybe try for a 1/2 or a pound per week. it almost seems you arent set up right with only 1550 calories to eat.