April Challenge

So tomarrow starts the new month for me and I have some goals..that are incorporated into the Self Drop 10 Challenge.This is a fun way to drop 10 pounds next month and anyone who is interested should look it up on Self.com,let me know how you guys are doing :)

Goals for the month of April:
1. Incorporate at least one super food into every meal;olive oil,lentils,quiona,salmon,apples,yogurt,sweet potatoe,and salmon..ewww salmon

2.Eat more calories,and not be afraid to do it,realize that my body and me are partners and we need to take care of eachother.

3.Put myself first for once and get my husband and daughter to go to sleep before 2 am so I can get sleep.

4.Do my work outs at least 3 times a week and love it because they make me happy and give me more energy even though it doesn't seem like it at 5 am.

5.Cut out the processed food Goodbye lean cusines :(

6.Sotp calling myself fat ugly,worthless,disgusting,and what I say to myself everyday.

7.Learn to love myself once and for all,and accept this change is not going to happen overnight,buckle in for the slow and sometimes bumpy ride,and learn to accept help from people.

Thanks for everyones help on this journey..hopefull may 1rst you will find me in better spirits,and 10 pounds thinner!!


  • twilks11
    twilks11 Posts: 29
    I think this is a great challenge and great top 10. Would be interested in doing this also..
  • acook104
    acook104 Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds like a lot of really great goals :)
  • zuzuanne88
    zuzuanne88 Posts: 104 Member
    I think this is a great challenge and great top 10. Would be interested in doing this also..


    I plan on lossley following the diet,some of those things I just cant afford lol