3 weeks no loss - opinions please

OK, I know three weeks isn't very long in the grand scheme of things, but I have plenty to lose and for the first time in my life have been doing things properly - eating better, counting cals, exercising daily.... so I would've hoped it would just "fall off".

So looking for other people's opinions/critiques - my diary is open.

Some info: I'm 39, female, 5'6"
Started mfp in Jan, and despite previous attempts throughout my life, this s the first time I've really done things properly. I did properly starve myself for a long time in my late teens, but pretty certain my body must've recovered from that by now!
I run for 30mins 3-5 days a week and do the 30DS 5 days a week. 1 full rest day a week.
I don't log my water, and probably don't drink quite enough - but between 6-8 glasses a day. I rarely drink anything other than water.

My BMR is 1500 which is what I have my mfp cals set to. I don't own a HRM, so use mfp's guesstimates of cals burned, then try to net between 1200-1500 cals on exercise days to compensate


  • najla56
    najla56 Posts: 195 Member
    this is happening to me right now. and that too for about 3 weeks!!

    Hence the bump!
  • spseattle25
    This happened to me too. The Plateau is normal -- so everyone tells me :) Mine lasted about 7 days. I was SO frustrated. All I had to do was change up my routine -- and like clockwork, over night -- 1.5, then 2 lbs. literally, 24 hours.

    I was always doing the same cardio, and eating the same stuff. Healthy, but still my body started to remember.

    SO, I started shifting my meals -- biggest meal in the morning, lightest in the evening. With a protein filled lunch, and 2 small snacks. I also was drinking 10-11 glasses of water a day. The final step is to change your workout. Add in some weights, resistance training , even a different type of machine at the gym. It will work WONDERS.

    I was so burnt out, and frustrated and getting depressed -- and then I did what everyone suggested -- and voila! :)
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I think you do need to watch the sugar intake. Me l watch sugar, salt and fat intake.

    But l had a week there were l gain weight and was not happy at all as l do watch everything l take in and workout for 3 hours a day and did not understand why l did not lose that week but the next week l loss 1.5kgs.

    So just hang in there it will happen do not give up as you have worked to hard to just give in to it again.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Just keep at it. Plateaus are normal. Ive been here over a year, and if you were add up all my plateaus it would be over half the time ive been here... but if you look at my numbers, 102pounds, and compare that to the number of weeks ive been here, I am right on target for losing two pounds a week like im suppose to.

    If you lost 24lbs so far, and youve been here lets say since january 1st, so 3 months, you are exactly on target for the 2lbs a week.

    Its not that you are doing anything wrong...u could try this and try that, but alls its going to do is convince you that u need to be doing something else that you normally wouldnt do and that could aide in you wanting to quit, so just keep doing what your doing, dont worry, just keep at it!

    My longest straight plateau was 6 weeks... and if i have 6 week plateaus, and im still right on target, you are right in guessing that my body always catches up at some point.
  • pecany
    pecany Posts: 10
    I am going through the same and am so incredibly frustrated! 3 weeks also and zero loss. I haven't changed anything at all but I guess I need to start changing up my cardio. I have been doing P90X and am on the 3rd week of Phase 2. I was also power walking or doing some light jogging 3-4 days a week in the afternoon but I guess my body got used to that too. I just started C25K a few days ago and maybe that will help but maybe I should do some HIIT training instead of the P90X cardio programs. I have lost 10 pounds in 30 days and was so happy to see my body changing. I have slimmed down all over and my clothes fit bigger but I have a hard time when I don't see the scale budge at all. I joined here just to start calorie counting as well and it looks like I'm not eating enough calories for the amount of cardio I am doing. This is very confusing!
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    We didn't get here in 3 weeks...it will take some time! I have lost 18 INCHES. The scale doesn't move too much for me either. Measure once a month...stay off the scale...get a heart rate monitor...MFP's exercise calories didn't match what I actually burned so I was eating too many calories....hence if you are serious get a HRM. It's nice to have for several reasons. You know exactly how many cals. you burn, you can track so therefore you can challenge yourself also it tells you when you burn fat etc..etc

    Hang in there. Eat a variety of healthy foods. Don't get bored with your diet and exercise. Try new things. I love to challenge myself to gain strength (weight) and stamina while losing so although it's frustrating that the scale doesn't move quickly I know I am on the right track. I know this because I MEASURE.

    You may actually get a little heavier as muscle is more dense. At the same time you should get more lean! Did I say to measure??? Lol Good luck!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    3 weeks is definitely not long enough to be thinking this isn't working. :) I started last June in trying to lose weight (not on here, but doing exercise and eating healthier / smaller portions of food) and I saw no weight loss at all for 2 months. Don't worry, just be patient and keep working hard. :heart:
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    I am going through the same and am so incredibly frustrated! 3 weeks also and zero loss. I haven't changed anything at all but I guess I need to start changing up my cardio. I have been doing P90X and am on the 3rd week of Phase 2. I was also power walking or doing some light jogging 3-4 days a week in the afternoon but I guess my body got used to that too. I just started C25K a few days ago and maybe that will help but maybe I should do some HIIT training instead of the P90X cardio programs. I have lost 10 pounds in 30 days and was so happy to see my body changing. I have slimmed down all over and my clothes fit bigger but I have a hard time when I don't see the scale budge at all. I joined here just to start calorie counting as well and it looks like I'm not eating enough calories for the amount of cardio I am doing. This is very confusing!

    If you are hungry eat back your exercise calories. I tend to eat about half of mine back. Don't stress about it. Just be sure to eat at least 1200 a day.
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    A very helpful thread! I have done well, but lately haven't seen any movement on the scale. I looked and realised it's been 5 weeks since I've lost any significant weight! But then, I've lost inches on my waist and hips, dropped a size and I feel great. So whatever is "not" happening, I'm happy (but would be happier if that scale moved, lol!).
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    me too 3 weeks running nothing, zilch, zero, hips gone down though, will just have to be patient and stick with it, even though it makes it twice as tough - I need (expect) a reward from the scales each week. At least you are not alone....
    add me as a friend if you like :smile:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have lost 10 pounds in 30 days and was so happy to see my body changing. I have slimmed down all over and my clothes fit bigger but I have a hard time when I don't see the scale budge at all.

    Just so we're clear. You're feeling better, your body is changing noticeably (if you can see it without comparing to pictures it's noticeable) your clothes are feeling better but because of a number you feel as if you've failed?

    You have done an AMAZING job so far. You need to keep telling yourself that. I went through a plateau a couple of weeks back and I know how frustrating it is. All you want is for that number to change. It will eventually. Just focus on the positives.

    The only thing I can suggest is upping your water intake. According to your diary you're not drinking any water. But the macros are a nice guide but a calorie is a calorie is a calorie.
  • pecany
    pecany Posts: 10
    Thanks, and yes I was just telling my husband that I realized that I've not been drinking as much water as I did in the beginning. I don't know why that is. So today I've already started... down 2 glasses already. I only drink coffee, green tea, and water. Time to amp up the water intake.
  • antonia1112
    antonia1112 Posts: 4 Member
    everybody reaches a plateau. its an unfortunate part of our weight loss journey. try to shake things up. change you excersie routine, make adjustments to your diet - add things take some away. you need to shock you body.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    I suspect not losing it more common, or almost as common as losing. I started a serious exercise plan in January (I do at least 45mins 4 or 5 times a week) and started to change my unhealthy eating habits in summer of last year, and tracking everything here on MFP the last two months. Now I don't binge and I make sure I have at least 1500ml of water a day. I also made sure I started eating breakfast before the gym and I try to have my main meal at lunchtime (tips from my nurse).

    In 3 months I have only lost 5 or 6 pounds. Three of those came of in the last two weeks (2 pounds this week, 1 pound the week before), so progress has been much slower than I thought it would be. I haven't taken my calories really low, I average between 1600 and 2200, but I still thought things might move faster.
    I take my measurements every week and have just this week lost 6cm from my bust and from my tummy, yet previously it was a cm off, a cm on, so it looks like I might be one of those people who lose nothing for ages and then experience a nice surprise. I also console myself that I might be building some muscle :-)

    One thing I have noticed is that when I took my measurements at a time when I was a good 14 pounds lighter a couple of years ago, they were pretty much the same as they are now. This suggests to me that when I get 14 pounds lighter next time, I will be a leaner me than I was before. Does that make sense?

    Don't give up!
  • Mummy2EliandAda
    Mummy2EliandAda Posts: 13 Member
    i am the same for 3 months now im sitting on 100kg .. still trying