LOSE 10lbs for the month of April. Ready? Set? LOSE!



  • Keeshaja
    Keeshaja Posts: 198 Member
    Im in!
  • Longtobeslim
    Longtobeslim Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in. Don't know if I can lose that much in a month, especially since we are on Spring Break (I work in a middle school). But it will be a good challenge to keep myself in check this week while out of my regular routine.

    First my scale victory: I only started MFP recently and lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks and then got bad news that my mother in law was dying. She has since passed away. The family got together on and off during this time for a couple of weeks and I gained most of my weight back. I am happy to say I have lost all that I gained. Anything I lose now will be New Weight again.

    NSV: Went to Applebees the other night with girlfriends. While everyone was ordering high calorie drinks and meals I had a blackened Tilapia that was wonderful and only 470 calories. I go out to dinner a couple times a week with friends and it was so nice to enjoy their company AND be able to stay on plan. It felt GREAT!!!

    Looking forward to a month of losing.

  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    I want to try too. Count me in. :smile:
  • MsShelfay
    MsShelfay Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in... tomorrow we weigh end???
  • count me in too!!! i need all the motivation i can get!
  • Acktuck
    Acktuck Posts: 2 Member
    OK! I can do this! Just getting back on track, so this is a great motivator!
  • i am in. great idea
  • jnr1
    jnr1 Posts: 9 Member
    I am in!
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I did it in March - let's go for April!!
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    I was just talking to my husband earlier about this being my goal. I so count me in.. Feel free to add me. So we can keep track.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
    I wanna but 75 days in have just lost 10
  • I'm in!
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in! i lost 14 pounds this month. for sureee will drop those 10!
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in although my exercise is going to be limited due to recent surgery ... but at least I'm finally to the point where I can start to do some structured exercises starting in a couple of days.

    Starting weight is 236 lbs.
  • I woke up this morning and felt pretty good. But I have a 30 pound journey to complete...I'm thinkin that I am the kind that gets more accomplished when I am in a group.

    My starting weight is 170.4
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    So we all in, what the the master plan, I actually want to lose 14lbs for the month of April but i know alot of members will say it not healthy goal. Anyway, what the masterplan it is 1st April and we have 30days to make this happen. WE CAN DO IT
  • Deanthedog
    Deanthedog Posts: 122 Member
    Are you all really that clueless? Losing 2.25 pounds a week isn't healthy unless you're severely OBESE. I'll pass on this bulls*** goal and remain a tad bit healthier than that. C'mon people.?!

    are you that clueless? its a healthy goal as long as its done right ....most people on here are calorie counting and as long as they have over 1200 calories a day and dont exercise excessively then its fine ....if any of them are on programs like insanity burning around 700 calories in 40 mins and on a low calorie diet then they would go into starvation mode .....get you facts right

    good luck to you all....even more luck to my wife ...shes told me i should try....might do next month see what my loss is like this month
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Shucks.... My starting weight is 142. yesterday was 141..I'm up a pound
  • I am IN! Sign me up!
  • sandlang2
    sandlang2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!! Thanks for the motivation.

    April 1st wt: 258.1

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter