Why do people who know nothing about a subject speak



  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Just bear in mind that exactly half of all people are dumber (or ruder, or more ill-informed) than the average person is. :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    So, today I went shopping. Spent 2 hours-walked a mile. Went to the gym for an hour. Then the water center(swimming) for 2 hours. When I was finished I climbed into the jacuzzi there for a little breather. Well, I mentioned to the woman next to me I was tired. When she asked what from I told her. She then told me that no one needs to exercise they just need to stop putting their hand to their mouth. I told her I eat 1200 calories a day and she said "that is about 650 too many". I told her well, 1200 is working for me as I have lost 14 pounds and 24 inches. She is sooooo stupid. Why would she ever talk about something that she knows nothing of. At that point I told said NOTHING else. She didn't deserve another breath or second of my time. Ya know...I know very little about cars. I would NEVER try to pretend I did...why would she PRETEND she knows about dieting...oh and one last thing.... She got up to leave...her body was ok...she might have had an extra couple pounds...but then she lifted her arm...she had a gob of hanging FAT. Maybe if she did EXERCISE that would be gone...Ok off my soapbox.

    ah, you met my mom. I'm sorry

    This totally cracked me up! :laugh:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    So, today I went shopping. Spent 2 hours-walked a mile. Went to the gym for an hour. Then the water center(swimming) for 2 hours. When I was finished I climbed into the jacuzzi there for a little breather. Well, I mentioned to the woman next to me I was tired. When she asked what from I told her. She then told me that no one needs to exercise they just need to stop putting their hand to their mouth. I told her I eat 1200 calories a day and she said "that is about 650 too many". I told her well, 1200 is working for me as I have lost 14 pounds and 24 inches. She is sooooo stupid. Why would she ever talk about something that she knows nothing of. At that point I told said NOTHING else. She didn't deserve another breath or second of my time. Ya know...I know very little about cars. I would NEVER try to pretend I did...why would she PRETEND she knows about dieting...oh and one last thing.... She got up to leave...her body was ok...she might have had an extra couple pounds...but then she lifted her arm...she had a gob of hanging FAT. Maybe if she did EXERCISE that would be gone...Ok off my soapbox.

    1200 is way low to sustain long term. I'd be starving. :bigsmile:
  • Belindajc1

    After the hand to the mouth comment, she deserved silence !! Good work with your exercise, you did great. :).
  • rmpacelady
    You are doing great!
    I have a problem and I don't really know where to go for help?
    I am hoping that someone here can help me, so, here goes:
    Ok, all of you out there, I need some advise. I have been walking but now my doctor says "no more" that broke my heart today. I love to be out and about walking and he said I can take my little dog but not far. I am really missing those walks. My problem, I could maybe squeeze in a pool 2 or 3 times a week, max, but, what else can I do that does not require me to be on my feet?
    Thanks for your help

    Ask your doctor what he DOES recommend -- and you'll probably get better responses if you post this as its own thread.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    It seems to me everything from magazines, to Dr.Oz, to the evening news gives people information about the newest way
    to lose weight and the way to get there. So, one would feel mildly educated about it.

    That being said, if people who weren't knowledgeable didn't speak, these forums would get mighty quiet =)

    Oh and she seemed rather rude. I would have farted in the water.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    This is why it is so important in life to educate yourself and know what you know, surround yourself with good people that support you and help you on your journey and block out the negative and uneducated. It's that simple. And, never try to educate anyone about anything, unless they show an interest. Those people will be your friends and family that begin seeing results.

    Anymore, when people ask how I do it, I just say, diet and exercise. It's actually very simple. But, for most people, I lose them at that point, as they're looking for a different answer, like "Jenny Craig" or something.
  • Mommyofseven
    That person's comment was extremely rude. It's like saying "you can exercise all you want but you are a fattie who eats too much and it won't matter"!
    And, god help me....

    I think that was my mother too.
  • 531Warrior
    sounds like she might have been doing the hcg diet or something lol
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    1200 is 650 too many? What the hell is she smoking? I don't think 1200 is enough, I'd be starving!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member

    1200 is way low to sustain long term. I'd be starving. :bigsmile:

    It depends on what foods you eat. If you eat the correct foods it is totally sustainable and doable and the person will not be starving hungry.