
Hey everyone,

thanks to anyone who reads this &/or comments.

I'm 22 years old and go on regular nights out with my friends. We all like to drink etc and I know I'm wasting a lot of calories on beer.

I usually drink cider (strongbow, kopparberg, brothers) and then when I feel bloated move on to shots (sambuca, sourz, goldschlager etc) and alcopops/disaronno and diet coke.

I can't drink vodka or wine due to personal taste and the fact that they make me quite a horrible person to be around (unlike the others)

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any other drinks that aren't really spirit based that are better for me calorie wise???

I have a night out planned for thursday and am dreading being the only sober one there! (oh the humiliation!)

Thanks in advance.


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You can still have fun while out for a night with friends.

    Can you have a bottle of beer and than fill it with water when no one is looking? But, who cares what others think? Drinking can make it much harder to lose weight (empty calories that are high for the amount of the drink .... can lead to mindless snacking and not so healthy food choices, etc).

    Diet coke with a shot of something (or half a shot) is a great choice. There are some low cal beers on the market (Molson Canadian 67 for example).
  • GW1970
    GW1970 Posts: 81 Member
    Real Ale , pint of Bitter 4% = 180 cal
    strongbow pint 4.5%=240 cal
    sorry i run a real ale pub:drinker:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you're just starting out, and trying to lose weight, I say cut it out completely. It will hinder your weight loss GREATLY. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down everything going on in your body, including fat loss. That's why when you drink a lot, the hangover is ridiculous, 'cause you're body isn't doing anything. Your body also will work (later) to burn the alcohol FIRST before burning fat, so you could be putting off burning fat for a while, depending on how much you drink...

    If you have to drink, try clear liquors (they don't get you drunk as fast)... vodka is about 30 calories (since it's made from potatoes), add some cranberry juice, and you have a drink under 100 calories. If they make it strong, you can sip it for a while, and drink less. I typically can go out and have 2 vodka cranberries and be alright drunk-wise, and still lose weight that week, depending on when I weigh in.
  • Pauline3290
    I love to have a drink at the weekend, either white wine or brandy/diet coke but I make sure I stay within my calories goals by doing a big session at the gym first.
  • NanoPacket
    I am relatively new to MFP, but so far if I think I am going to be calorie heavy at night I will put in some treadmill time or a walk during the day. Then I won't worry. But for drinks you could do tequila shots. About 70 Cal and just chase it with a slice of lime. Then sip your diet drink of choice.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
    I drink whiskey with water or Diet Coke when I go out, and get a water to go with it. The water keeps me hydrated and the whiskey is more efficient than beer, calorie- and buzz-wise :-). We have a friend that owns a brewpub so they only serve beer, there I get stouts because they fill my belly up faster so I don't want to drink more. I side them with water, too. No hangovers and less calories wasted. At home or a friend's house I've been drinking vodka with Diet Ruby Red Squirt - just looks more festive.
  • jcalifornia
    If you are dieting, 1/2 a drink per day for a woman and 1 drink per day for a man should be the max.
    You won't be able to meet your calorie goal and get a lot of nutrition if you have lots of drinks. Go for 1/2 hour to 1 hour or more of exercise in the morning you plan to go out with your friends to give you extra calories in the budget. Switch to Diet soda or coffee or water after the first drink. You can't get a drunk driving ticket this way either.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I lost 8 pounds the first week I cut out drinking. If you are goin to drink anyway then I would work out extra hard that day. That way you can drink what you'd like. Maybe throw a protein bar or a healthy snack in your purse, so you don't end up eating bar food or late night grub. Also if you go to your food diary and enter the amount of drinks you think you will have and calculate the calories for a shot, 1 1/2 oz, you will see how easy calories add up and may opt to have one less drink. I would go light beers or gin and diet. Gin has less calories than other alcohols. Have fun!
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    I also gave up alcohol. It kick started my weight loss.

    Have you tried going a month TT to see if it makes a difference to you?

    Still go out with friends but have a soda water with a slice of lime and ice and a straw. Makes it look like you are on a spirit+mixer.
  • Iwillbe130
    Diet soda is horrible for your body. I make my cocktails with sparking water, booze and a splash of any chaser you please. I love rum with bubbly water and trader joes low cal lemonade and fresh squeezed lemon juice. The bubbly water cuts calories and keeps you hydrated plus the fresh citrus has electrolytes!! Cheers!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Diet soda is horrible for your body. I make my cocktails with sparking water, booze and a splash of any chaser you please. I love rum with bubbly water and trader joes low cal lemonade and fresh squeezed lemon juice. The bubbly water cuts calories and keeps you hydrated plus the fresh citrus has electrolytes!! Cheers!

    This is a great idea! I will have to try it! I have also been struggling with the drinking vs. diet issue, because I go out every weekend to see bands and such. This sounds so yummy!
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Diet soda is horrible for your body. I make my cocktails with sparking water, booze and a splash of any chaser you please. I love rum with bubbly water and trader joes low cal lemonade and fresh squeezed lemon juice. The bubbly water cuts calories and keeps you hydrated plus the fresh citrus has electrolytes!! Cheers!

    Like this idea if it is an option. Maybe a slower sipping drink like brandy. It is distilled wine with an other than wine flavor. Try it on the rocks or mixed with other fruity drinks. Generally in the 60 to 100 proof range.
  • Iwillbe130
    It's wonderful because you can make bubbly water versions of all your favorite cocktails! My favorite has always been a grey goose greyhound, now i make them with 1 shot vodka 8 oz calistoga lemon flavored bubbly and a splash of grapefruit juice, add fresh grapefruit or lemon wedge.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Diet soda is horrible for your body. I make my cocktails with sparking water, booze and a splash of any chaser you please. I love rum with bubbly water and trader joes low cal lemonade and fresh squeezed lemon juice. The bubbly water cuts calories and keeps you hydrated plus the fresh citrus has electrolytes!! Cheers!

    Why is diet soda horrible for your body? A lot of people who are successful with weight loss and in great health drink diet pop all the time.
  • Iwillbe130
    Why is diet soda horrible for your body? A lot of people who are successful with weight loss and in great health drink diet pop all the time.

    Consumption of diet soda has been linked to Cancer, type 2 diabetes, and even weight gain. Aspartame and artificial sweeteners are in reality much more harmful to peoples health than natural sugars. Here are some articles if anyone is interested in learning more about it
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    How much do you normally drink when you go out, including shots?
  • jade89whittle
    Hi thanks, I usually don't drink that often (last night out with alcohol was over 2 months ago, so it's not something that will hinder my weightloss greatly. It's just birthdays/occasions when I will need to socialize which at the moment isn't too often!
  • jade89whittle
    How much do you normally drink when you go out, including shots?

    A night out after work can usually lead to 3/4 pints of cider and a few shots.

    A night out like this where it's an all night big event can be anything from a cider, a few alcopops and no shots to 5 shots, 5 ciders and a load of alcopops!

    it all depends on my mood etc. I'm going out after work tomorrow so will probably be tired & not drink so much, but who knows if I have a bad day or not! haha