30yo mommy, trying to make life-long changes!

Hi! I've been on MFP for about a month, and I'm just now introducing myself. ;) I'm Michelle, about to be 31, mom of 7. I'm 5'6", and I just weighed in at 157 pounds this morning. I'm trying to get down to 130 by my anniversary at the end of September.

While I *really* want to lose weight, my focus is on making changes that I can sustain in the long term. Too many years of being effortlessly thin (yeah, BEFORE I had kids, LOL) caused me to develop bad habits! So now I'm learning portion control, and training myself to actually eat 3 meals and a snack every day. (I used to skip breakfast, sometimes lunch, and then pig out on dinner -- SO BAD!) I'm exercising a little every day -- trying to build up stamina for more -- and looking for ways to be more active in every day life. I've started walking to the corner store, taking my kids to the park more, things like that. I'm also focused on teaching my kids that the goal is to be healthy and active, and not as much about looking good. I have three daughters, one of them a teenager, and I want to be a good role model for them. :)

I'm looking for friends here on MFP. I log every single day, and if I thought people were reading I'd probably post status updates, too. Anybody who is interested, please add me! :)


  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Michelle! Welcome to MFP...you have taken the first step by joining up and realizing what you need to change.

    We seem to have similar stories except I only have 4 kiddos. I too fell into bad habits after having my last child and would forget to eat until dinner time because I was so busy. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck to you on your new lifestyle change.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome!! You'll find awesome support on here, and people willing to answer questions!! Good for you for wanting to set an example for your kids. I hope i can one day show my daughter that she is so beautiful and her goal should be to be healthy!!
  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    Add me!! We can all do this together :) I am also a mom of three and step mom of three more we range from ages 24 to 2 so life is always a bit crazy!
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    congrats!! a new you is coming!!
    glad you have realized that skipping meals doesn't work. I started adding Shakeology as my breakfast and I noticed I had more energy to get me thru with out all the extra calories. also over a couple of days I noticed I no longer had cravings for junk food

    Best of luck