Jillian Michaels Body Revolution starting april 1/12-WHO IS



  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in, too.
  • babbu16
    babbu16 Posts: 3
    I'm in too! I did 3days already, but I will re-start from today :)
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    we can do this ladies yahoooooooooooo
  • babbu16
    babbu16 Posts: 3
    I'm excited!
  • labrock22
    labrock22 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! add labrock22! I just bought this and was googling reviews and this thread came up! Lets do this!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in... I started today with the Kick Start Workout 1 today. I find it similar to the boot camp I completed in February (which is why I purchased this program). The boot camp made me realize how out of shape I am, even with doing power walking the past 18 months. Working out at home will be convenient, and I'm hoping I can stick with it. I just read a blog with the person reporting that she couldn't complete day one of phase three, but rather than let it defeat her, she is going back to phase one and starting again.

    How did you find the first session? I know it said she goes from routine to routine, but I found the directions to be a bit quick and had to watch to see what I was supposed to do. I used 5 lb dumbbells and can really feel it in my upper arms.

    Good luck, Everyone. Thanks for starting this thread for support.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    i started it mid march...can i join? i can only exercise 5 days not 6 due to schedule so you soon will catch up with me :)
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Did my first workout + Cardio 1 as well! That was really fun, time just flew by! Burned almost 600 kcal in 54 minutes!
    Oh, and I need to get a heavier pair of weights, since I only have 2.2.lb and 4.4.lb dumbbells. Probably 8s or 10s would be nice.
  • babbu16
    babbu16 Posts: 3
    I did workout 1 in the morning! Looking forward to the cardio in the evening.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Day 1 -done -awesome workout -Greek yogourt OMG took me hr to eat it ..... the caloried from jillian book and my fitness pal are not matching not even close -so i guess this week for sure i will go by what jillian book says and ignore what mfp says...HOPE YOU ALL HAD GREAT FIST DAY
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Mine is in the mail!
  • I'm in....this should be my 3rd week but had to take a week off. So I'm at week 2 right now!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Well, I couldn't get myself out of bed this morning for Day 2, but I came home from work and did it tonight. I'm glad I did! I'm using 5 lb weights. As with Day 1, some of the transitions are a bit quick for me, but I catch up. I was surprised that the cable was used in Day 2, and I wish she had an intro to show how to set it up (I'm still not sure I have it right; I may use a stretch band). Anyone tips would be appreciated.

    Good luck to everyone! Stay with it. :happy:
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Day 2 - done. Did Workout 2 + two circuits of Cardio 1. 52 minutes, 491kcal burned. I really need to get heavier weights!
    However, I'm not going to follow the meal plan; there's no way I'm starving myself on 1200kcal.

    I'm hoping the workouts will get more challenging.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Day 2- Both workout done YAY!!!!!
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Day 3 - workouts all done ...how u all doing???
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Did Day 3 this morning, that is Cardio 1. Also did Extreme Shed & Shred Level 1. Went on a 20-minute jog in the evening as well.
    Day 4 tomorrow - bring it on!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I started on Sunday April 1 because Saturdays off work better for me. Today was my 2nd go at workout 1. I love this one, I feel soooo good after it. I was sore after workout 2 and dead after cardio 1, probably because walking has been all the exercise I had been getting recently.
  • gunchik
    gunchik Posts: 56 Member
    Day 4 - check! Workout 1 + Cardio 1. I'm thinking of moving on to Workouts 3 & 4 next week, though.
    And I wish she would have included more Cardio workouts rather than just one per phase
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Day 4 - workouts all done , im starving though wow