Oh well here goes

Hi all ,
I am a 54 year old man from Merseyside (used to be Lancs) who needs to lose a lot of weight ( Obese according to myfitnesspal ) so I am going to start using fitnesspal.
Also I have also ordered a cycle trainer so I can ride my bike indoors until I lose a bit of weight only then can I go out on my bike .
I used to love bike riding years ago but I am way to unfit to dive straight on a bike and ride off into the sunset.
It all seems a long way off but I do need to lose this weight as it is now making me feel depressed spose I am sick of going in shops then walking out because the have no XXXL clothes .............Sigh !



  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Well done for taking the first step...And welcome to MFP.
  • Hellooo,

    Have sent a friend request.

    Im new too, put on waaay too much weight after having my babies and its gotta go. Start properly tomorrow, thinking low carb.

    Been successful on Weight Watchers before, but it isnt working any more, think I need to be a bit stricter with myself.

    Anyways..... hopefully we can help each other.

    Good luck x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Well done for taking the first step. I think we all reach a time in our life's when we feel we are ready! I hope this time is now for you.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/538381-in-place-of-a-road-map

    The guy who wrote it; Helloitsdan certainly helped me sort out my numbers. I now eat at my BMR, set my goal loss to 1lb (as recommended), eat my exercise calories back, drink tons of water, set my food diary to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. The weight on the scales and the tape measure are coming off, slowly but surely (too slowly for my liking but I just need to be more patient). BUT I have noticed a huge difference in my body, more toned and my clothes are looser.

    Good luck and hope this helps. x
  • kristi135
    kristi135 Posts: 2 Member
    The hardest step is to make the committment to change your lifestyle. Go you for accomplishing your first goal!!
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I've only been on here for a couple of weeks and I love this site. You've already jumped the first hurdle by getting in here and starting on your journey. It is an incredible journey for sure. Friend me if you like.
  • jenny6701
    jenny6701 Posts: 18
    Hi and welcome i have not been on here long and am loving it and finding it a big help so feel free to add me. My partner is also an xxxl and was strugling he has been on here for 2 wks and has lost 5 lb already and is loving every minute of it i have never seen him so motivated before starting on here so add him also his name is jph6701. Good luck.
  • timnca03
    timnca03 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome....feel free to add me to your friends list! There is great support on here, this site is addicting!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I am older than you so don't let age get in the way. You have taken the first step. This site is addicting, as was said, but it is a good addiction. You can do this. Baby steps first. Good luck!
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome....feel free to add me to your friends list! There is great support on here, this site is addicting!

    Almost too addicting! lol Feel free to add me as well :smile:
  • Welcome....feel free to add me to your friends list! There is great support on here, this site is addicting!

    It is addicting!!!! Every chance I get I gotta see whats going on...
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    all the best on your new journey and good luck
  • Happymom12
    Happymom12 Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck
  • ukgray
    ukgray Posts: 9
    Thanks to you all for your support
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    Hi there

    Just sent you a friend request, always happy to have new UK friends and I will try to be motivational and supportive.