How does sodium effect weight loss does any body know? noticed ive been over on it once or twice..?


  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    It can make a person retain water and put the scales up. To get rid of it, go low sodium for a few days and drink more water to flush it out. Doing exercise can also get rid of it by sweating it out. If it is over a little, it probably won't even show.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    OP don't try to go too low, you need a minimum of 500mg per day, below that is very dangerous.

    Don't add salt to your food, there is usually enough in it already. This will normally be all you need to do to stay within the recommended daily levels.
  • sappyoldlady
    sappyoldlady Posts: 49 Member
    I hardly ever add salt to anything....but if you are on the go like me and grab food at places that are fairly healthy the sodium kills you.....fat and calories are great but the sodium really is a bummer....I've noticed the older I get the more it affects me scale wise...don't add salt to anything and try to not eat out if possible more than once a day...I think 2500 mg is recommended daily allowance for a normal person w/out sodium restrictions...of course, I could be wrong...