eating ~2000+ cals a day?

for an active person like me, i should be eating about 2,400 calories a day.

i do everything from HIIT, running, kick boxing, spinning, zumba, weight training, circuits, you name it. i like working out 5-7 times a week. recently i have been told by my doctor that i should be eating more than 2000 cals a day, but i find myself coming in roughly at around 1600. i need to increase....but ive gained 6 pounds already from an increase (had a plateau before) but i assume thats because my body is conserving everything since it was really hungry before.

i REALLY need support from people who are really active and who also dont eat like a mouse. i am trying to be a LEAN MEAN CALORIE BURNING (not conserving) MACHINE and i need to align myself with people who think the same way. anyone out there? any tips/advice from people who have done this? anything is appreciated!


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    yep, i do. each and every day. averaged 2100 last week, 1 hour workouts. that's it. so ...not much and i'm 4'11 ~100 pounds.
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    Check out my diary, should be public. I am also very active (BJJ, soccer, swimming, hiking, running) and eat about 3200-3500 calories a day, burn about 500-1000. I, personally, prefer this method to "eating like a mouse" and being sedentary.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I eat 2000+ pretty much every day. I'm 5'5", 121.5lbs, 34 years old and currently in training for a marathon. My food diary is open if you want to look.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I'm really working on eating more calories as well, mostly to put on muscle. it is a struggle some days, when I have tracked calories before I always come in under even though I feel like I eat a lot of food!

    I'm wondering if part of it is eating really nutrient dense food having fewer calories than junk. Like a whole head of broccoli being around 200 calories, not that many calories but filling. I could easily go high calorie if I ate junk, but I'm not about to do that.

    I find my appetite fluctuates quite a bit and I try to follow that. Some days I'm HONGRY, some days not. I think it has a lot to do with my activity and recovery.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I'm trying to gain, I'm underweight (5'4"/97) but I'm also trying to gain muscle, so for me, my reasoning is a little different, as I just have a mentally high metabolism and I'm trying to do some training (I can only do a few days cardio though, I burn so fast) but my cals are between 1900 (If i have my goal at gain 1/2lb a week) and 2300ish (if I try to gain 1lb per week) I am not a mousy eater, but my problem is I think I eat too healthy, I love my vegetables, they fill me up, but don't add much to my calorie goal (probably need to get on to the fruits and fruit juices, they might be better),

    But man today has been a struggle to fill it, I am actually thinking of buying some type of gaining powder just so I can have that instead of 300cal meal sometimes. Anyway, what has helped me is nuts (really nice nuts like pecan's, macadamia's, hazelnuts, almonds and cashews (the mix I was eating was 340 cals for 50g/2oz!) I have also be guilty of eating a meal replacement bar at times though they are pretty high in sugars (and rather nasty). I eat a lot of carbs, love my pasta and breads (but I eat a lot of protein too, I aim for 100g per day) Also full fat yoghurts, lots of milk (milk in my protein shake) I use olive oil or butter. Also dark chocolate has like 145 calories in a 29g/1oz square. I'm still learning!

    I also just came across this while researching this same topic for myself: some are good, some not so much!

    I don't know how successful I'll be with this. but when I joined a week ago and had myself set to what i though would be normal for me (active person, trying to maintain weight) I lost 3lbs in a week when keeping to the recommend goal, which is why i have had to go up so much now. My food diary is open, but you need to disregard the first week as I will be miles under the goal as like I said they were set different then, and you probably wont get much anyway cause its mostly Swedish! :)

    good luck!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hang in there - your body can take a few weeks for your body to transition to high calories. I eat on average about 1800 calories but I hardly do any cardio - on days I do I go over 2000. I would suggest adding some calorie dense foods - nuts, avocados, seeds etc. With upping your calories you should find more energy for all those workouts you do.
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    Im very active and exercise between 6-7 times per week also....I have to do something energetic and on recovery days I will walk for 30 - 45 mins
    Kettlebell Training, Heavy Compound Lifting, Cardio (crosstrainer) HIIT, Yoga and lots of Walking. I eat between 1900 - 2100 per da maybe more), I never go hungry and do have treats when I want to (as long as they fit in with my macros)
    Im 5'6 and weigh 152lbs with a goal weight of 130lbs - I have a lot of muscle and have found that my muscles in my abs are becoming for defined.....

    You are more than welcome to add me as a friend if you would like any advice or to view my diary.....also a lot of the forum chats are very informative (but they do take a bit of sifting through).
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    2000+ calories gogogo! :D I'm averaging 2300/day. You're all welcome to add me if you wish
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am eating between 2100-2400 on days I go cycling, which is almost everyday now. And I have dropped weight quite a bit, so I really would suggest you start including some healthy, but calorie dense foods in your diet, such as peanut butter, avocado, nuts, seeds,and some decent chocolate wont do any harm either, in my opinion. It is easy to get down an extra 200 calories just having a few tablespoons of peanut butter. Protein shakes are another option, I suppose. I don't have any trouble reaching my goal usually, but then I have the bad habit of taking trail mix and chocolate with me when I go cycling, lol.
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    I currently eat at least 2500 calories per day. Anyone can add me for support and to support.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I currently eat around 2800 calories to gain weight due to docs reccomendations. Not approved to exercise yet (except for yoga but to me that doesn't count) but hoping to get back to cycling, running, and weight lifting soon. Anyone can add me for support (both me to you and the other way around) and ideas :) Also diary is public :)